As Good as Gold

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A Sym­phony of Gold

Gold: The color of vic­tory, the color of class, the color that exudes luxury, the color that can be incor­po­rated into any room. It is nearly impos­sible to encom­pass the mul­ti­fac­eted color into one dimen­sion, only to be achieved when focusing on a spe­cific shade such as sym­phony gold.

While the Olympics are right around the corner and “going for the gold” might be on many of your minds, sym­phony gold is not the dis­tinct gold color that instantly comes to mind. Replace the metallic and yellow base with a mix­ture of sand and beige and you are left with the per­fect sym­phony of colors that blends into a classic gold mix­ture. Rather than cre­ating an essence of dom­i­nance and a color that will dom­i­nate any room, sym­phony gold por­trays a subtle ele­gance that can be used in a variety of ways from a great throw pillow, to a standout piece of fur­ni­ture and even as accents with small acces­sories throughout any home. This color can esca­late a boring and overused neu­tral into some­thing that will keep your guests talking even after they leave your home. Paint it on the walls to high­light a bright piece of fur­ni­ture or to craft a warm and inviting glow in any space. Sym­phony gold is the best neu­tral to tran­si­tion you into the summer months; think linens, whites, bright pops of color, and a gen­eral “beachy vibe”. What could better suit this then some­thing that mimics the color of sand and can be com­ple­mented by the use of wicker throughout the home?

At CGH we are always looking for the trends to keep us up to date, but our inspi­ra­tion does not always come from other home ele­ments. Fashion is one of our go-​​to sources for cur­rent styles in the market that we believe will adapt well into a home base. We are con­stantly bringing in inspi­ra­tion from designers such as Tory Burch, Trina Turk, and Kate Spade, to enhance the col­lec­tions that are already offered by Clayton Gray Home. We want you to be up to date with every aspect of your lifestyle, not just a single aspect of it.

Choosing the color sym­phony gold for pieces in your home will not only ben­efit you in the cur­rent trend, but will be some­thing that you will want to incor­po­rate throughout your home over the course of many years. It’s subtle ele­gance will leave you wanting more while the calming neu­trality of it allows it to be easily inte­grated into any room without hesitation.

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