Agreement of the Subject and Verb

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As a copy editor with SEO expe­ri­ence, I under­stand the impor­tance of strong writing skills in the dig­ital age. One cru­cial aspect of writing is the proper agree­ment of the sub­ject and verb in a sen­tence. In this article, I will pro­vide some tips on how to ensure that your writing is gram­mat­i­cally cor­rect and opti­mized for search engines.

What is Subject-​​Verb Agreement?

Subject-​​verb agree­ment is the gram­mat­ical rela­tion­ship between the sub­ject and the verb in a sen­tence. The sub­ject is the noun or pro­noun that per­forms the action of the verb. The verb is the action or state of being that the sub­ject per­forms. The sub­ject and verb must agree in tense and number for the sen­tence to be gram­mat­i­cally correct.

Why is Subject-​​Verb Agree­ment Important?

Proper subject-​​verb agree­ment ensures that your writing is gram­mat­i­cally cor­rect, clear, and easy to under­stand. It also helps to avoid con­fu­sion and mis­in­ter­pre­ta­tion of your mes­sage. Incor­rect subject-​​verb agree­ment can make your writing dif­fi­cult to read and may even harm your search engine opti­miza­tion efforts.

Tips for Proper Subject-​​Verb Agreement

1. Match the sub­ject and verb in number

The number of the sub­ject and verb must agree. If the sub­ject is sin­gular, the verb must be sin­gular, and if the sub­ject is plural, the verb must be plural. For example:

- The cat is sleeping. (sin­gular sub­ject and verb)

- The cats are sleeping. (plural sub­ject and verb)

2. Watch out for tricky subjects

Some sub­jects can be tricky, such as col­lec­tive nouns, indef­i­nite pro­nouns, and nouns that end in –s. Col­lec­tive nouns refer to a group of people or things as a single unit. Indef­i­nite pro­nouns refer to an unknown or unspec­i­fied person or thing. Nouns that end in –s can be sin­gular or plural. For example:

- The team is playing well. (col­lec­tive noun, sin­gular verb)

- Each of the stu­dents is respon­sible for their own work. (indef­i­nite pro­noun, sin­gular verb)

- Physics is a chal­lenging sub­ject. (noun ending in –s, sin­gular verb)

3. Con­sider the tense of the sentence

The tense of the sen­tence will affect the subject-​​verb agree­ment. If the sen­tence is in the present tense, the verb must be in the present tense. If the sen­tence is in the past tense, the verb must be in the past tense. For example:

- She walks to work every day. (present tense)

- She walked to work yes­terday. (past tense)


Subject-​​verb agree­ment is an essen­tial aspect of strong writing and proper grammar. By ensuring that your sub­jects and verbs match in tense and number, you can improve the read­ability and clarity of your writing. As a copy editor with SEO expe­ri­ence, I under­stand the impor­tance of opti­mizing your writing for search engines while still main­taining proper grammar and style. By fol­lowing these tips, you can create well-​​written con­tent that is both gram­mat­i­cally cor­rect and opti­mized for search engines.

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