Live Colorfully

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PANTONE Color of the Year

Rose Quartz and Serenity


Photo cour­tesy of eone​-time​.com

Every year Pan­tone seeks to pick a color that they believe has been influ­en­tial on our society and will be present in var­ious trends throughout the year. These trends could be present in all things from clothes to home décor. Deter­mining the color of the year is an inno­v­a­tive way to express what is cur­rently pop­ular in the con­sumer market and por­tray that to cus­tomers. For the first time since starting, Pan­tone has chosen two colors of the year, rose quartz and serenity. This color com­bi­na­tion is said to, “demon­strate an inherent bal­ance between a warmer embracing rose tone and the cooler tran­quil blue, reflecting con­nec­tion and well­ness as well as a soothing sense of order and peace”. Through the use of these colors Pan­tone is chal­lenging tra­di­tional gender roles in the sense that pink is seen as fem­i­nine and blue, mas­cu­line. Rather than viewing tra­di­tional color roles, it is about the feeling that each color emits when on an article of clothing or in a room.

At CGH we strive to keep cus­tomers up to date on all trends and offer a variety of prod­ucts in the pan­tone colors of the year to help enhance any room in your home. These colors can be com­bined with an array of others to create unique com­bi­na­tions that will surely be con­ver­sa­tion starters in your home. Adding in subtle acces­sories in dif­ferent colors is one of the sim­plest ways to change the appear­ance of a room. Some bright new pil­lows scat­tered across the couch, a new footrest or stool, and a new piece of art­work can trans­form your room, essen­tial for the change of season that is right around the corner.

Color is about expres­sion and is a reflec­tion of atti­tudes and feel­ings at a given time. The choice of rose quartz and serenity sug­gests a sense of peace­ful­ness and calm­ness that is wel­come and needed in every room of the house. While the color pairing works well together, they can also be used alone to achieve sim­ilar effects. We sug­gest using accent colors, such as golds with the rose and sil­vers with serenity, to aid in making the colors ver­sa­tile for your already existing color palette. The use of accents will allow these colors to blend seam­lessly into already dec­o­rated rooms in order to ensure a prac­tical use of a trend such as this.







It is impor­tant to keep in mind when intro­ducing a new trend into your home that it is done subtly rather than over­done. While these colors are tran­quil and soothing, they are in fact, just the color of the year. It is always exciting to par­take in trends, espe­cially those that can be achieved as easily as this, but that does not mean that you should com­pro­mise your per­sonal aes­thetic. Look through our sug­ges­tions to find prod­ucts that will ben­efit your home and enhance your style while cre­ating a relaxing envi­ron­ment with the use of rose quartz and serenity, Pantone’s 2016 colors of the year.


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