Geared Towards the Guys

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Courtesy of Pinterst

Cour­tesy of Pinterest

With fall in full swing, we can’t help but reach for dark leathers, mahoga­nies, and stream­lined acces­sories. Lucky for us, all of these are essen­tials for fur­nishing a room that the guys will truly appre­ciate – finally a man cave that females won’t be ter­ri­fied to spend some time in! With the help of CGH you can com­bine the “classic study” with the “party base­ment” and the func­tional office, all in one.

While a simple array of fur­ni­ture strate­gi­cally placed around a T.V. and a desk that also dou­bles as a pool table could clas­sify as a man cave, you should be able to walk in this room and instantly feel the essence of, well, men. Try starting off with larger pieces, such as book­shelves, in deep woods that will act as a base for the room and then adding in other items, such as this leather desk. The sim­pli­fied design is ideal for a man cave because the less clutter the better. Add in the ulti­mate after­noon reading chair along with some seating for guests, and you are in the clear to move on to lighting and acces­sories – yes men are allowed (encour­aged) to have acces­sories as well.


The lighting in the room should be dim as to show­case the hues of the fur­ni­ture, but bright enough to pro­vide ample reading light. Achieve the blend of these two with a hooded over­head pen­dent and a mix of table and floor lamps; an intriguing table lamp to add to the sim­plicity of the desk, and a min­i­malist floor lamp to offset the weight of a reading chair. Don’t forget to include a side table com­plete with coasters and the daily news! Throw in some art for a gallery wall, a subtle game to fiddle with, and a book you hope they can take tips from, and then you’re almost set. Some final touches like this book set and the room will be so on par (golf pun not intended) even the ladies will appre­ciate it.

Although we could stop there, a man cave would not be com­plete without a couple glasses and some scotch for post work “relax­ation.” Use a bar cart for acces­si­bility or — CGH tip — turn your book­shelf into a hidden bar! Beware: this quin­tes­sen­tial man cave may exude the essence of sport and sophis­ti­ca­tion, class and quirk, which they may never want to leave.


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