Style Easy, Read Freely

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–Style a bookcase–

78324e24351c655cb1a1716a56ef8799You finally pur­chased the shelving you’ve been dreaming about, only to find that once it arrives, you have no idea how to fill it up. You are in luck, because we are here to help! It can be a daunting task trying to achieve the per­fectly styled look from the pic­tures that drew you to the unit in the first place, but with a few guide­lines you will be able to make it even better than the pictures!

1.     Base: Starting from the begin­ning, choosing the right book­shelf, or base, to dis­play your knick-​​knacks, is very impor­tant. It sets the tone for the items you will be able to fill up the shelves with and due to its (nor­mally) large size, it is one of the first things people notice. You want the unit to fill the space in your home without over pow­ering it; draw the atten­tion of guests, but not dis­tract from the things on the shelves. For a “barely there” look, try some­thing sim­ilar to this Lucite Jonathan Adler unit. Other than subtle corner details, it will blend into the back­ground and allow your acces­sories to shine. For those with neu­tral walls or those who just love to exper­i­ment with color, this Worlds Away unit is the one for you! If you tend to appre­ciate the classic look, but with a twist of sur­prise, Arte­riors has made the per­fect piece for you; its small geo­metric turns add just the right amount of per­sonal flare. Ulti­mately you want to look for some­thing that will high­light the rest of your objects rather than com­pete with them.

2.     Books: This may seem slightly obvious, but it is called a “book” shelf for a reason. A good selec­tion of books not only inspires you to start your own col­lec­tion, but can also act as a good con­ver­sa­tion starter between guests. Even if you’re not one for delving into hard­copies of text, you can still fill the shelves with other options — like these quote books that will surely be a hit among everyone who sees them or pat­terned ones for a tex­tured effect. When it comes to stacking, don’t be afraid to mix it up on each shelf; having some larger coffee table books in addi­tion to the classic paper­backs. When dis­playing them, alter­nate between the ver­tical look, using unique book­ends, and the hor­i­zontal stack.

3.     Odds and Ends: While this may seem like a simple task, it often cre­ates the most chal­lenge. How much is too much? You don’t want your shelving to look clut­tered, but you also don’t want it to look empty either. The fine medium lies in the ability to incor­po­rate a variety of acces­sories that create a stream­line, not bulky effect. Look for items like this Kate Spade desk cal­endar and these Tozai tor­toise shells stands that can be added onto a book stack or create height in the empty spaces. From there, move on to other items more per­son­al­ized for your home. These can range from a whim­sical pic­ture frame, to wall décor re-​​imagined as a resting object. When it comes to odds and ends, just remember there is no right or wrong way to do things.  Just express your­self with accessories!

4.     Tips and Tricks: In order to achieve a bal­anced dis­play, go for the zig zag (or oppo­site) rule– if you place a stack of hor­i­zontal books on the top shelf left side, the second shelf should be ver­ti­cally ori­ented on the right side. This allows you to fill the spaces in between, without having a strong repet­i­tive pres­ence of larger items. Keep in mind pops of color are your friend. Choose accent colors that blend – they don’t have to match exactly — with colors already present in your room.  If your room is pri­marily neu­trals, subtle pas­tels mixed with bold pops is always the way to go.   Add your sig­na­ture scent to finish the look and create a heav­enly aroma to fill your newly designed space.  Can­dles are avail­able in so many beau­tiful con­tainers, and after use, you can enjoy giving them a second life by filling them up with your favorite flowers!

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