Think Happy Be Happy
Written by Devin Lewis
The Power of Positive Thinking

Sugarboo designs featuring Coco Chanel quote, Heart of Gold, I Love You, Hello Beautiful Pillows
Do not even try to deny the fact that when someone around you is over-joyous, it often makes you seethe with anger inside. At first you are angry with them but it turns into anger directed at yourself for trying to take away their happiness. If you were to look deep down during these exact moments, you would realize the feeling you believe to be anger is actually jealousy. Why do they get to walk into the office every morning with a smile on their face when they haven’t even had coffee yet?!
We’re going to let you in on a small secret– you can be these people! It just requires integrating positive thinking into your day-to-day activities.
The best way to tackle this task is to surround yourself with lines and quotes that are appealing and motivational to start your day off right. Whether it is a small frame in the bathroom that reads, “Darling a beautiful thing is never perfect,” or a pillow in the bedroom that states, “Hello Sunshine,” a visual aid is proven to help remind people to think positive and hit the ground running. The good vibes do not have to be exclusive to the home, bring them into the workplace as well! Just as your, “But first, Coffee,” kitchen towel helped you to beat the Monday morning blues, a small picture in your office that reads, “Kill them with Kindness,” will help you stay calm and optimistic throughout the rest of the day.
Inspiration is around every corner; you need only to
open your eyes to the possibilities. Imagine how many times you look at your phone screen or computer during a typical day– imagine reading a short quip such as, “#dowork” said number of times and how it can actually motivate you to act differently throughout the day. A simple switch such as a phone background or even a make up bag, can impact your state of mind. It is the same concept that you will want to carry over into all parts of your life, including your home. In addition to artwork reminding you to, “Be happy, for this moment, this moment is your life” other steps can be taken to increase the positive spirits in your home.
1. Space free of clutter- Organization is a key step in order to keep your mind at ease throughout the day. Walking into a room with items thrown everywhere will instantly throw your mind astray and stress can inhibit your ability to enjoy the moment. Any house owner knows that it is virtually impossible to de-clutter every spot in your house, but try to keep the mess down to one “junk drawer” to help save your own sanity.
2. Lighting- While it may be something difficult to control, incorporating natural light into as many spaces in your home will change the entire atmosphere of the room. If natural light is not available, make sure to integrate a variety of other lighting sources from sconces to chandeliers. Only sticking to lamps– or even using a too high watt light bulb– can affect the “welcomeness” that you ultimately want a room to emit.
3. LOVE it– Very few things will bring you more joy than being able to walk into a room, looking around, and absolutely loving everything you see (think– when you walk into your favorite store
and suddenly become giddy and full of happiness and you have yet to pick up a single product). Don’t settle for mediocre items just because you do not think you will be able to find something better. Hold out for the good stuff and you will not regret it.
We know you are now looking for a quick add into your home and office to help achieve the “feel good vibe” look no further than Sugarboo Designs. With a variety of unique pieces to offer, you will be able to find multiple things to jumpstart your home transformation into a place of pure bliss!
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