March 2015 First Friday Preview

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The mad­ness of March is upon, but before you get lost in the March Mad­ness, come cel­e­brate First Friday with Clayton Gray Home!  Forget about those pesky bracket picks and instead enjoy yummy appe­tizers, cup­cakes, and cock­tails and help sup­port a fab­u­lous charity while shop­ping at the best home decor store in Tampa. This month we wel­come back some old favorites and intro­duce you to some new friends.


A fab­u­lous pairing that is sure to be a win­ning com­bi­na­tion, Bach­elor Pad 3 winner and per­sonal trainer, Nick Peterson will be mixing up cock­tails cour­tesy of Lean Vodka. New to the Tampa area, Lean Vodka is an ultra pre­mium, nat­u­rally infused, low calorie Vodka. Cre­ated from the purest spring water and finest quality grains, Lean is the epitome of per­fec­tion.  With the sophis­ti­cated and health con­scious drinker in mind, Lean delivers some­thing sen­sa­tional and new. Lean dif­fer­en­ti­ates itself through branding and by being the first low calorie ultra pre­mium vodka, and the first to infuse its spirit with herbs including green tea leaf, gin­seng and guarana. Low-​​cal Lean Vodka cock­tails and Tampa’s favorite per­sonal will have you bikini body ready in no time! For more info on personal/​group training ses­sions with Nick, please con­tact him at CPTPeety@​gmail.​com .


We are so excited to wel­come back Family Table Catering as our food sponsor for the night. The Scarpa family offers every­thing from catering for big to small hol­iday par­ties and events — to home delivery of meals for young sin­gles or large busy fam­i­lies. Focusing on Amer­ican food that is heavily rooted in Italian influ­ences, each meal is not only nutri­tious it is also com­fort food. Bringing you the best from the Tampa area, The Family Table part­ners with local butchers, bakers and farmers.


Sweet­ness is get­ting ready to hit the roads of Tampa, in the form of the Dulce DeMesa cup­cake truck! Come meet Taylor, learn more about Dulce DeMesa and sample some of her sin­fully deli­cious cup­cakes. Follow Dulce DeMesa on Twitter and Insta­gram for exciting announcements!


First Friday wouldn’t be com­plete without our spot­light charity. This month Clayton Gray Home will shine the spot­light on the Humane Society of Tampa Bay. Bring in an item from their needs list and receive an extra raffle ticket for prizes given away all through the night. Learn more about the HSTB’s upcoming Bark in the Park event and what you can do to help ani­mals in need in the Tampa area. Kitten season is almost upon us and while they are cute and little, let’s not forget that adult and senior kit­ties can also make a fab­u­lous com­panion. Learn more about the community/​feral cat TNVR pro­gram that the Humane Society offers and their free clinic offered in April. Just like our health­care costs have sky­rock­eted, so too have those of our pets. The HSTB offers low cost pet care and vac­cines. As always, 20% of the sales from the night will go to the Humane Society of Tampa Bay.  The evening starts at 6 p.m. so be sure and drop by to meet our friends.  The fes­tiv­i­ties will be going until 9 p.m.  As always our friends at Buddy Brew Coffee will be open later and serving up some­thing spe­cial for cus­tomers.  See you at First Friday!

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