February 2015 First Friday Preview

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It’s time to paint the town red! Kick off your night with a stop at Clayton Gray Home for First Friday!

Now that the hol­iday dec­o­ra­tions are put away, the New Years hang­over has worn off, and your stomach has recov­ered from all of that Super­Bowl food, it’s time to focus on love. Our First Friday has some­thing for everyone to love. As always, Clayton Gray Home likes to focus on local small busi­nesses and char­i­ties in our com­mu­nity. We partner together to net­work and broaden our clien­tele base. The First Friday happy hour/​open house type set­ting is a per­fect way to shop, try some new food and drinks, and learn about local char­i­ties. It’s love for the body, mind and soul. Join us this Friday, Feb­ruary 6th from 6–9.


The Feb­ruary charity spot­light will shine down on High Risk Hope. Founded by Heather Barrow, High Risk Hope is a for pur­pose orga­ni­za­tion that pro­vides sup­port, encour­age­ment, infor­ma­tion and resources to women and fam­i­lies who are expe­ri­encing a high risk preg­nancy resulting in hos­pital bed rest, poten­tial pre­ma­ture birth and neonatal inten­sive care after delivery. High Risk Hope tar­gets hos­pi­tals with des­ig­nated level III NICUs, meaning they admit women with the highest-​​risk preg­nan­cies and treat the most crit­ical pre­ma­ture infants. The majority of their 150+ vol­un­teer work­force has either been on hos­pital bed rest or is the parent of a NICU grad­uate. High Risk Hope pro­vides bed rest bas­kets to meet the needs of high risk OB patients and NICU nap sacks con­taining items they need to sur­vive their infant’s stay in the NICU.  High Risk Hope even helps fam­i­lies who have expe­ri­enced a loss by guiding them to the best orga­ni­za­tions for bereave­ment and grief sup­port. Come learn more about this fan­tastic orga­ni­za­tion and how you can help. To help kick off their 4th anniver­sary cel­e­bra­tion on 2/​16, High Risk Hope’s Books for Babies, bring in new or gently used children’s books and receive an extra raffle ticket for every book that you donate. You can also make a mon­e­tary dona­tion to the book drive, or simply shop at Clayton Gray Home and 20% of all sales from First Friday will go to ben­efit High Risk Hope.


Does your New Year’s res­o­lu­tion need a little resolve? We will have Swami Juice in house handed out sam­ples of their fab­u­lous juice mixes!  Located at the corner of Bay to Bay and MacDill, Swami spe­cial­izes in cold-​​pressed juices that are raw, local and alive. Swami also offers juice cleanses, super­food smoothies, acai bowls and more! Swami juice is the juice with OM! Their goal is to make cus­tomers aware of what the body and mind need for nour­ish­ment to run at optimal levels, and what you stand to gain from doing so. Mil­lions of people today are nutri­tion­ally out of bal­ance. It is these imbal­ances that lead to poor health and worse. Swami believes it is not lim­ited to bad nutri­tion, more so, not enough good nutri­tion. Nat­ural, whole foods are the best means of deliv­ering vit­a­mins, min­erals, essen­tial nutrients/​a-​​nutrients and living enzymes. In today’s con­ve­nience and price driven society much of these bodily require­ments have fallen by the way­side. It’s a Swami revolution.….ride the juice wave!


It is Feb­ruary and we couldn’t forget a sweet treat! Pro­viding deca­dent treats for the night will be Treat Me Sweet. Think out­side the choco­late box this year for Valentine’s Day and try some tasty mac­arons! Treat Me Sweet is a con­fec­tion by design com­pany spe­cial­izing in custom mac­arons. Small bites, big smiles. Whether it be gifts, cel­e­bra­tions, events or corporate/​client appre­ci­a­tion, Treat Me Sweet has you cov­ered with unique and yummy options. Darla from Treat Me Sweet will be on hand to dis­cuss custom and cor­po­rate options and the upcoming Valentine’s Day hol­iday. Ser­vicing the Tampa Bay area and ship­ping is avail­able through out the con­ti­nental United States. Get ready to expe­ri­ence the per­fect treat!


This month we will have a spe­cial fea­ture for First Friday, local artisan Paige Chaney with Olfac­tion will be in the store with her can­dles and soaps. There is some­thing so spe­cial about hand­made can­dles and soaps that help create that lux­u­rious spa feel in your home.

We are so excited about this First Friday and can’t wait to see everyone! We will have Brad­ford from Viking Fit­ness/​Soho Cycle serving up a deli­cious Love Shack cock­tails, heart healthy nib­bles from Fruit of the Vine Organics and the fab­u­lous 4d Studio LLC will be our paparazzi for the night. Spread the word and bring a friend!


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