December 2014 First Friday Preview

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In the blink of an eye, another year has passed. This Friday, December 5th will be Clayton Gray Home’s last First Friday of 2014 and we have a so much to cel­e­brate! We are so thankful to all of our clients, friends, neigh­bors and all of the new busi­ness friends who have helped our FF cel­e­bra­tions grow. We have made so many new small busi­ness friends along the way this year from char­i­ties, caterers, pho­tog­ra­phers, salons, drink spon­sors, restau­rants, etc.  All of which have donated food, drinks, raffle and swag bag items, coupons and they have all helped to make each FF extra spe­cial. We hope that all of our guests have enjoyed meeting the new busi­ness owners and learning more about the new small busi­nesses in the area. It’s the sense of com­mu­nity that embodies our goals for First Friday and makes our Hyde Park neigh­bor­hood and neigh­bors so special.


Our spot­light charity is so excited to be a part of our First Friday and we are thrilled to have them. Academy Prep Center of Tampa is a tuition-​​free, inde­pen­dent center for edu­ca­tion for middle-​​school aged chil­dren who qualify for need-​​based schol­ar­ships. In the atmos­phere of an extended family, Academy Prep encour­ages and teaches stu­dents to excel in aca­d­e­mics, eth­ical and moral under­standing and judg­ment, and life skills. Opening its doors in 2003, it is mod­eled after its pre­de­ces­sors, Nativity Mis­sion Center, which opened in the Lower East Side of Man­hattan, New York, in 1971, as well as the Academy Prep Center of St. Peters­burg, in oper­a­tion in south St. Peters­burg since 1997. The mis­sion of Academy Prep is to inspire and empower stu­dents to become future com­mu­nity leaders through a rig­orous middle school pro­gram cou­pled with ongoing grad­uate sup­port. Please come out and sup­port Academy Prep and learn more about this spec­tac­ular school and how it is helping to shape the future minds of Tampa.  20% of the sales from First Friday as well as all monies raised through the raffle will go to ben­efit Academy Prep.


We are excited to intro­duce you to our caterer for the night, The Family Table Catering & Meal Delivery Ser­vices. The Scarpa family offers every­thing from catering for big to small hol­iday par­ties and events — to home delivery of meals for young sin­gles or large busy fam­i­lies. Focusing on Amer­ican food that is heavily rooted in Italian influ­ences, each meal is not only nutri­tious it is also com­fort food. Bringing you the best from the Tampa area, The Family Table part­ners with local butchers, bakers and farmers.


For your enter­tain­ment plea­sure Bob Frierson from Bone­yard will be back in the front window playing those awe­some jams. It’s just not a hol­iday cel­e­bra­tion without Bob. We love having him in house to pump up the jams, and he may even take a request of two. The wicked riffs from Bobs’ guitar are all the hol­iday cheer you will need to feel the spirit of the season!

Santa’s little helper, our res­i­dent bar­tender, Nick Peterson will be on hand serving up tons of hol­iday cheer…and maybe we can talk him into wearing a fes­tive cos­tume?! Don’t forget that after all of the hol­iday indulging, you’ll be ready to start on that New Years Res­o­lu­tion. Why wait?! Get a jump start before the New Year and combat those hol­iday pounds. Nick is a great per­sonal trainer and he will whip you into pre-​​holiday shape in no time. Nick offers per­sonal, duo, small group ses­sions and boot­camp. Con­tact Nick for more info and pricing, CPTPeety@​gmail.​com.


Cap­turing the mag­ical moment of the night,  4d Stu­dios  will be acting as our paparazzi, so make sure to smile pretty for the cam­eras.  Our raffle basket will be filled with amazing gifts including a gift cer­tifi­cate from Shear Art Salon South Tampa and many other fan­tastic items. You will receive one raffle ticket when you enter the store how­ever, you can always pur­chase more tickets to increase your chances to win. You need not be present to win, just make sure to put your con­tact infor­ma­tion on your ticket.  We can’t wait to see you on Friday, December 5th from 6–9.

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