November First Friday Preview

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It’s here! November First Friday 2014 is ready to har­vest. This month we have sev­eral spe­cial guests and look for­ward to seeing all of our spe­cial friends on November 7th from 6-​​9pm.


Our spot­light charity for this month is Feeding America Tampa Bay. We are so excited to help them as they partner with the Zachary Bonner to break the Guin­ness World Record for largest food drive in 24 hours. Ben­e­fiting the Little Red Wagon Foun­da­tion, Met­ro­pol­itan Min­istries, Feeding America Tampa Bay and all of the hungry in Tampa Bay and the sur­rounding 10 coun­ties, the goal is to col­lect one mil­lion pounds of food in a 24 hour period. Help us to help them raise aware­ness of hunger and home­less­ness in Tampa Bay and across the United States by bringing in non-​​perishable food items from the needs list. Clayton Gray Home will deliver them to the drop off point at Met­ro­pol­itan Min­istries by the dead­line on Sat­urday. As a reward for your gen­erosity, you will receive 25% off of your pur­chase. You can start bringing items to the store now through First Friday. Our dead­line is 9pm on Friday, November 7th. The food items that are being requested are; canned beans, meat, fruit, veg­eta­bles, yams, gravy, peanut butter, boxes of stuffing or rice, soup and cereal. To learn more about the food drive, click on Zachary’s name above and the link will take you to a recent tele­vi­sion seg­ment cov­ering this amazing event.


We are thrilled to wel­come Squeeze Juice Works to the neigh­bor­hood. Located just around the corner at Platt and Boule­vard they are bringing the fresh­ness to Hyde Park. Squeeze offers organic, hand­crafted juice, squeezed in small batches to main­tain their mis­sion of health and respect of resources. This is where green meets green. By con­trol­ling the batch size they ensure the freshest juice and max­imum ben­e­fits with min­imal waste and envi­ron­mental impact.  Squeeze offers the most con­sis­tent and deli­cious product pos­sible. What sets Squeeze aside from the other juice com­pa­nies in the area (aside from their amazing juices and nut milks) is their menu. That’s right, a menu of amazing vegan friendly and raw lunch choices. Although Squeeze is all about health, it doesn’t mean that they don’t know how to have fun! Squeeze will also be sup­plying the juice that will be used in our sig­na­ture cock­tail for the night, so a little dose of healthy to add to your indul­gence. Squeeze staff will be on hand offering sam­ples of their dif­ferent juices for you to try and you can learn more about their goals for your health and well­ness.  Also, back by pop­ular demand, local celeb, Nick Peterson will be man­ning the bar. Make sure to stop by, say hi and enjoy one of our spe­cial sig­na­ture cocktails.


Fruit of the Vine Organics. Back by pop­ular demand, Vera Farmen with Fruit of the Vine will have some deli­cious nib­bles cre­ated from this weeks delivery basket for you to enjoy. Not only is Fruit of the Vine organic, it is sup­plied by local growers. Deli­cious fruit and veggie bas­kets ready for you to pick up and enjoy all week long. The Fruit of the Vine crew also includes spe­cial recipes for the ingre­di­ents in the basket, incase you come across a fruit or veggie that has you stumped. Only the freshest, local and in season pro­duce makes it into these spe­cial bas­kets. Once you sign up on the Fruit of the Vine web­site, you will receive a weekly email out­lining what pro­duce you can expect to receive, you can then pick the size basket and any extras you might want to include. The only thing fresher is growing it yourself!

So, as you can see, this First Friday will make you feel good, inside and out! Remember, you can start drop­ping your items off for the food drive today at Clayton Gray Home and receive your 25% off discount.



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