It’s a Shopping Trifecta!

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Remember when Black Friday was THE biggest shop­ping day for the best sales and to tackle that hol­iday list before December?  Yes, Vir­ginia, there is a Santa Claus and he has brought us two more days in which to land great deals and many more ways to boost the economy. Feeling a little over­whelmed? Still in a turkey coma? Don’t worry, we are here to break it down for you and help you to make the most of your hol­iday shop­ping extrav­a­ganza. The best part? You can expe­ri­ence all three of the biggest shop­ping days of the year with Clayton Gray Home and we will show you how!


Start your hol­iday shop­ping with Clayton Gray Home on Black Friday. Avoid the need to camp out overnight, parking lot rages, long check out lines and crazy crowds by shop­ping with us! In addi­tion to amazing hol­iday and gift items, we will feed you too!


We all need help tack­ling the hol­iday season and we have your sur­vival guide. Come in and check out Ina Garten, the Bare­foot Contessa’s, new cook­book Make it Ahead. Filled with deli­cious recipes and tips for plan­ning every­thing from a small gath­ering to a large dinner party. Ina tells you all of the tricks of the trade to prep­ping and enter­taining ahead. You need fuel to tackle the three biggest shop­ping days of the year so stop by Clayton Gray Home and sample some of Ina’s yummy Choco­late Banana Crumb Cake, a recipe straight from the book. That’s right, we will Make it Ahead and have a delec­table and yummy sur­prise waiting for you! A fab­u­lous and func­tional gift for that “hard to shop for” person who has every­thing, YOU can give them the gift of more time to enjoy the season!


You know what comes after Black Friday, right? Small Busi­ness Sat­urday! Ever drive around a quaint town and feel that nos­talgic pull for the Mom and Pop stores that used to line Main Street? Where you could put things on credit and that didn’t mean a credit card? Where the store owners knew all of their shop­pers by name? Well, the good news is that Tampa is filled with amazing small busi­nesses. We all know that good things come in small pack­ages, so get out of that big box store and shop local! Find fan­tastic trea­sures, unique gifts, and truly spe­cial items for that spe­cial someone. You don’t want to walk up to a rack with twenty of the same sweaters to choose a gift for someone who means the world to you. Show them you care by shop­ping with those who care. Small, local shop owners learn about your gift recip­ient and help you to find the per­fect some­thing for that spe­cial someone.

Clayton Gray Home is at your ser­vice, come visit us for unique and fab­u­lous finds, for both men and women, for teachers, for your hair stylist, for your best friend, for your true love and maybe even a little some­thing for your­self! We will be open from 10–5 and the entire shop is on sale! We look for­ward to seeing you on Saturday!


Now it’s time to dig deep. This is it. Whereas before when it was just Black Friday, shop­ping was like run­ning a 5k. Then when Small Busi­ness Sat­urday came to be, shop­ping became half marathon. Now, hol­iday shop­ping is a marathon event and you, my friend have just hit mile 20. So, grab that coffee, loosen up those fin­gers, make sure your com­puter is fully charged, because we have another 6.2 miles of shop­ping to go and on the  Cyber Monday highway! If you are local and have only vis­ited the shop on Kennedy, you have to check out the web­site. Filled with pages upon pages of glam­orous and must have items for your home, office, coffee table and more! Add us to your book­mark bar and get ready to be amazed. Best of all, you don’t have to get out of your jam­mies and fuzzy slip­pers, we will deliver it all to your door. Shop till you drop and then crawl back into bed and enjoy that long win­ters nap you’ve read about. Get ready to own this hol­iday season and that mon­u­mental shop­ping list!

That’s It!  The three fab­u­lous ways to shop local or via the world wide web and still shop small. Make sure to follow us on Insta­gram, Tumblr, Pin­terest and Twitter for the latest and most up to date sales and pro­mo­tions. Happy Hol­i­days from all of us at Clayton Gray Home!

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