September First Friday Preview

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Are you ready for Sep­tember First Friday? Clayton Gray Home is cer­tainly ready and we can hardly con­tain our excite­ment! Sep­tember 5th from 6–8:00pm, Clayton Gray Home is the place to be! Enjoy deli­cious noms gen­er­ously donated by Boca Tampa.  This restau­rant is located on West Platt Street in His­toric Hyde Park.  As always, we enjoy sup­porting and pro­moting our amazing local restau­rants.  Their mantra of “Local, Simple and Honest.” suits.  We are so happy to have this amazing restau­rant in our neighborhood.

blog first friday

Returning to our bar, the infa­mous Nick Peterson will be serving up a deli­cious sig­na­ture cock­tail from the “Cap­ture the Coast” cook­book by the Junior League of Tampa.

20% of the sales during First Friday will go to ben­efit the Junior League of Tampa

Our spot­light charity for the month will be the Junior League of TampaFounded in 1926, the Junior League of Tampa, Inc. is an orga­ni­za­tion of over 1,800 women com­mitted to pro­moting vol­un­tarism, devel­oping the poten­tial of women, and improving com­mu­ni­ties through effec­tive action and lead­er­ship of trained vol­un­teers. Its pur­pose is exclu­sively edu­ca­tional and char­i­table. For 88 years, The Junior League of Tampa has served as a cat­a­lyst for change within our com­mu­nity. The Junior League of Tampa has been com­mitted to building a healthier, more edu­cated and safer com­mu­nity for Tampa Bay’s chil­dren and their fam­i­lies. The 1,800 mem­bers cur­rently pro­vide more than 75,000 hours of ser­vice to the com­mu­nity each year, while spending nearly $260,000 annu­ally on JLT projects and has con­tributed over 60,000 vol­un­teer hours. The League con­tinues to address crit­ical com­mu­nity needs in the areas of child wel­fare and edu­ca­tion, working hands on with com­mu­nity part­ners to improve the lives of Tampa’s most dis­ad­van­taged chil­dren. Fur­ther­more, their advo­cacy efforts launched a com­mu­nity wide move­ment to end the sexual exploita­tion and traf­ficking of chil­dren. The ladies of the league will be on hand with copies of their amazing cook­books for sale and you can also inquire about the upcoming Hol­iday Gift Market as well as other projects the the league is working on in the community.

Part­nering with our neigh­bors at Albany Square (Kennedy and Albany in Hyde Park), Buddy Brew Coffee and Pow­er­sto­ries will be hosting open mic night. Soho Cycling Studio will be open giving you the oppor­tu­nity to check out their fab­u­lous spin studio. Malindy Elene Cou­ture for the Bride will be open as well.


Stop by the shop, grab a cock­tail, visit with friends and shop away!

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