Designer Spotlight | Mark Moussa of Arteriors Home

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Arteriors-Mark-Moussa.ashx_Arte­riors Home is a fab­u­lous mix of indus­trial, tra­di­tional, organic and liv­able style.  Their designs are per­fect for everyone.  Founded by Mark Moussa in 1987, Arte­riors Home is a leading provider of luxury fur­ni­ture, wall décor, dec­o­ra­tive acces­sories, res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial lighting.  Launched with a focus on tra­di­tional acces­sories made with classic mate­rials, the com­pany col­lab­o­rates with expe­ri­enced arti­sans and man­u­fac­turers around the world; working in leather, iron, brass, bronze, nickel, wood, glass, ceramic, porce­lain and more.  Arte­riors Home offers a wide spec­trum of styles specif­i­cally for design lovers with up-​​to-​​date sensibilities.

arteriors lighting

Arte­riors Home Lighting @ Clayton Gray Home

Mark Moussa is a bit of a dec­o­ra­tive acces­sories savant.  Recently cel­e­brating his company’s 27th anniver­sary, we can safely say that during his more than quarter of a cen­tury in busi­ness, the designer has made count­less homes infi­nitely more beau­tiful.  What home couldn’t ben­efit from the super sexy Layla or James chan­de­lier?  The exotic Genova pen­dant adds a touch of class above a kitchen island.  There is so much more to this line than just illu­mi­nating your space.

As eclectic as his style, so are his inspi­ra­tions.  Moussa finds inspi­ra­tion from many areas such as the beach, back­yard pizza par­ties, flea mar­kets, per­sonal con­nec­tions and Alexander McQueen.  When dis­cussing McQueen, he says “I admired his drive in taking fashion to the next level each season.  His ability to mix mate­rials and con­cepts that most designers could never imagine was outstanding.”

arteriors more

Arte­riors Home mir­rors, chairs, fur­ni­ture and more

What ever the source may be for his inspi­ra­tion, the results are always beau­tiful.  Lucky for you, Clayton Gray Home car­ries a fab­u­lous selec­tion of this amazing designers’ prod­ucts for you to add to your home.  Looking for an Arte­riors Home product that you don’t see on our web­site?  Simply con­tact us and we will be happy to help.

*sources: Arte­riors Home web­site, Dhome blogger-​​Joslyn Taylor

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