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As Shown Above (clock­wise from top left) : Molly Sconce — Worlds Away, Bamboo and Burlap lantern - Vagabond Vin­tage, Bamboo Mag­ni­fier,

Meurice Chan­de­lier — Antique Brass - Jonathan Adler, Cor­ru­gated Bamboo Box - Brass , Stella Bench - Beige & Gold Leaf — Worlds Away 

There are cer­tain design aspects that are always “in” and wil always be classic. Bamboo is most def­i­nitely on the top of that list. Much like plaids, navy and metallics, its degree of use may wax and wane over time, but one thing is for cer­tain, it is ALWAYS in style.

While the growing trend to use eco-​​friendly and sus­tain­able mate­rials in the home has boosted the pop­u­larity of prod­ucts made from bamboo, such as flooring, fur­ni­ture and window treat­ments, the sheer style of bamboo is what we find so won­der­fully appealing. Bamboo is one of those mir­acle ele­ments that can span many design themes. Bamboo can take you from an ori­ental, chi­nois­erie feel, to nau­tical, West Indies, British Colo­nial, casual beach condo, and finally an uptown Fifth Avenue pent­house feel.

If the design has piqued your interest, there are so many ways to incor­po­rate bamboo into your home decor. The fur­ni­ture and acces­sories avail­able to you from Clayton Gray Home, are always evolving and changing, while many sturdy and time­less acces­sories remain trea­sured items for years. Be it faux, porce­lain, or metallic — bamboo adds clean lines and an organic feel to any decor.



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