Metal Mylar Lighting Barbara Cosgrove

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Bar­bara Cos­grove Lamps offers modern and tra­di­tional lighting for your home and office.  There are sev­eral com­bi­na­tions of shades and fin­ishes to choose from to achieve the per­fect look of clean-​​lined ele­gance.  Using metal for the entire fix­ture and shade is a per­fect example of stylish high-​​end crafts­man­ship.  Not only do we carry their lighting, but also acces­sories, fur­ni­ture and art­work.  Below are some exam­ples of pop­ular Mylar + Metal light fix­tures by Bar­bara Cosgrove:

BC Lighting pm 1As Shown Above : 1. Chan­de­lier in White Light Fix­ture ; 2. Finial Alu­minum Pen­dant  ; 3.Olympia Table Lamp ; 4. Study Table Lamp ; 5. Olympia Floor Lamp

bc metal light 2

Chic steel lighting reflects light from around the room and adds a sub­stan­tial sculp­tural feel to your decor.  While the light is unable to transmit through the opaque nickel or alu­minum shade, it will cast light up and down for ambiance that is spot-​​on!

bc metal light

 Mylar shades also pro­vide a softer yet still reflec­tive look for your lighting.  In the 1950’s, this form of poly­ester resin used to make shiny helium-​​filled bal­loons, solar fil­ters, space blan­kets, insu­la­tors and film for pho­tog­raphy.  Today, you may also see it being used in store window dis­plays because of its mirror-​​like quality.

bc metal light 3Do you already have a Bar­bara Cos­grove lighting fix­ture in your home?  If so, send us photos and it may be selected for a follow-​​up blog : pr@​claytongrayhome.​com

Love this look and want some help on how/​where to show it off in your home?  Feel free to con­tact us for sug­ges­tions : sales@​claytongrayhome.​com

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