Currey & Company Classic & Chic

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currey & company hpmtCurrey & Com­pany is best known for its vibrant lighting designed with var­ious mate­rials and hand­crafted to fit into any room in your home, beach house, lake house, or office.  While this is what they are known for today, Currey & Com­pany, started its exis­tence in 1988 as a pur­veyor of his­toric garden fur­nish­ings.  Orig­i­nally, Robert B. Currey, founded Garden Source Fur­nish­ings, with the main focus of cre­ating and mar­keting classic garden fur­ni­ture from the Win­terthur Museum and the Smith­sonian Institution.

Garden whim­sies, bird­houses and rustic twig fur­ni­ture were joined with some lighting prod­ucts by the early 1990’s and so it began!  The name of the com­pany was changed to Currey & Com­pany to embrace a new focus on prod­ucts for the inte­rior as well as exterior.

Chan­de­liers, wall sconces and lamps power on as their main business-​​to-​​date.  Char­ac­ter­ized by the atten­tion to detail that goes into their designing in Atlanta, Georgia and the manufacturing/​finishing at Currey Inter­na­tional in the Philip­pines.  Hand-​​crafted work­man­ship with nat­ural mate­rials gives each piece unique high-​​end quality.

Mate­rials : hand-​​carved wood, porce­lain, brass, marble, acrylic, resin, hand-​​forged iron, rope, twine, con­crete, faux bois, seashells, and more.

Prod­ucts : Chan­de­liers, Pen­dants, Wall Sconces, Table Lamps, Floor Lamps, Fur­ni­ture, Tables, Chests, Chairs, Cab­i­nets, Desks, Dec­o­ra­tive Acces­sories, Mir­rors, Rugs and more.

Below are a few of their prod­ucts we have selected to show how there is some­thing for every style room!  From the indus­trial or nau­tical detail of 4 to the sea­side of 5 & 6.  Then modern clean lines of 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 & 11.  Finally, 7 — the rustic sleek look of resin antlers can jux­ta­pose an urban city loft’s archi­tec­ture or glam up a lake house cabin.  No matter the item or look, we are bound to find the per­fect piece for your home!

Currey & Company As Shown Above : 1. Con­fetti Cube Chan­de­lier  ; 2. Octave Table Lamp ; 3. Perseus Con­sole ; 4. Bow­line Pen­dant ; 5. Corail Wall Mirror — white ; 6. Still­water Chan­de­lier ; 7. Hay­wood Chan­de­lier ; 8. Aerial Chan­de­lier ; 9. Haley Chan­de­lier ; 10. Beckett Trio Pen­dant ; 11. Water­fall Chest

(infor­ma­tion source : cur​r​ey​codealers​.com)


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