Quick Last-​​Minute Holiday Decorating

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Do you feel like every year the hol­i­days sneak up on you and guests are knocking on your door before you know it? We under­stand and have some quick, easy and pain­less hol­iday dec­o­rating ideas for you to spruce up your home!

last minute


Baby’s Breath for cen­ter­pieces.  Looks like snow when mixed into ever­green gar­land!  Place branches in your chan­de­lier and hang orna­ments over the table.  Some­times it is dif­fi­cult to find the per­fect table linens/​tablecloth, so stop by your local fabric store and pick up a few yards of your favorite sparkly or pat­terned fabric.

bb table

Hang strands of beads, rib­bons and disco ball orna­ments from your chan­de­lier!  Instant party over your head!chandelier

Glass Decanters add sophis­ti­ca­tion and glam to your tabletop!


Most places where you pur­chase your Christmas Tree also have trim­mings you can have for free!  All you have to do is ask.  These are per­fect for lay­ering on your mantle in front of a mirror or cre­ating a cen­ter­piece with can­dles.


The sim­plicity of this place set­ting is per­fect for any occa­sion!  Addi­tional whim­sical bonus is the adorable deer placed by the glass!  (you may be able to find these fig­urines at your local craft store)

Below is typ­i­cally a look you see for Wed­dings, but tying a bow around your everyday dining chairs also adds an extra hol­iday touch to your dining room!

bows chairs(all images found on pinterest)

Happy Hol­i­days + Decorating!


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