Kid-​​Friendly Family Room Chic

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The func­tion of a family room can still have design and style.  Do you have kids and feel you have lost the con­gre­gating area in your home to toys and clutter?  Reclaim your space and still share with your kids.  Pick a neu­tral color palette like black + white + tan + cream + brown.  Shop for inter­esting shapes and tex­tures that are made of durable mate­rials like wood, metal, hide and leather.  Whim­sical designs, animal fig­urines, sputnik shapes and clean lines add modern sophis­ti­ca­tion to a kid-​​friendly room.


1. Hanging Metal Card Holder ; 2. Nested Leather Bas­kets — Lazy Susan ; 3. Albus Box Set — Made Goods ; 4. Lex Chan­de­lier — Noir ; 5. Claire Throw ; 6. Mathis Enter­tain­ment Con­sole — Worlds Away ; 7. White Lola Accent Table — Arte­riors Home ; 8. Cor­daje Lamp — Arte­riors Home ; 9. Fron­tier Pouf — Surya ; 10. You & Me Pillow ; 11. Brass Tic Tac Toe — Jonathan Adler ; 12. Pea­cock Embroi­dered Pillow — Nanette Lepore ; 13. Spade Pouf ; 14. Bali Floor Pillow — Lace­field Designs ; 15. Q+A a day for Kids : 3-​​Year Journal ; 16. Black­board Easel

Here are some tips:

  • Acces­sories : Find ways to incor­po­rate games by selecting ele­gant mate­rials like marble, brass and Lucite.  Inter­ac­tive coffee table books like a journal or sketchbook.
  • Lighting : It is safest when kept over­head with a chan­de­lier or pen­dant, but when in need of a table lamp for extra lighting — chose wide base and metal or wood.  This is so that it is not easily knocked over or broken when a sock monkey goes flying across the room!  Stay away from glass and ceramics!
  • Fur­ni­ture : Lac­quer painted wood fur­ni­ture is easy to wipe clean of fin­ger­prints and other spills.  If wanting to add extra pro­tec­tion to the tabletop, have your local glass guy cut a piece to lay on the top.
  • Storage :  This is key for hiding toys and games!  You can never have enough-​​right?  While Rub­ber­maid bins work great in the closet, leave them there and opt for more ele­gant and durable storage in the family room.  Boxes for remotes or smaller items.  Hide or leather bas­kets for stuffed ani­mals and toys.
  • Wall Decor : Dis­playing art and photos is part of what makes a family room cozy and lived in, so having des­ig­nated clip­boards or frames keeps the space unclut­tered.  Clip­boards and large matted frames that you can easily swap out mas­ter­pieces work great for an accent wall.
  • Seating : floor pil­lows and accent throw pil­lows are great for cud­dling with at reading time. Using an ottoman or a few soft poufs instead of a coffee table is com­fort­able extra seating that moves easily for more space.

Family room-13 pmGet The Look Above : Lily Nat­ural Fur Pillow — Made Goods ; Velvet Cotton Pillow ; Bodega Drift­wood Lamp — Arte­riors Home ; Lace­field Designs Linen Pil­lows ; Hicks Greek Key Pen­dant — Worlds Away ; Rocks + Agate Art­work Accessories

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