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…Our Stylish | Chic | Loyal | Savvy Customers.

We love when you all call us for design advice and share photos of your homes.  We truly do!  It makes our day and is why we enjoy so much of what we do everyday.

Below are some photos of the lovely home to one of our repeat cus­tomers, Julia Var­shavsky.  She found us with the guid­ance of the Inte­rior Designers at Niche Inte­riors in San Fran­cisco.   They advised her on many of the items in her home including the Tenley Bronze Iron Pen­dant by Arte­riors Home and Artist Studio Floral Rug — Feather Gray by Surya.
Tenley - Julia

 The geo­metric lines and angles of this pen­dant play per­fectly with the angled break­fast nook walls and rounded fur­ni­ture.  Hanging the fix­ture low over the table keeps the light and pat­terned shadows nes­tled in the space.  The glass main­tains the airi­ness and flow of this gor­geously fin­ished open con­cept kitchen.  It is def­i­nitely a state­ment fix­ture while still fit­ting to the scale of the room.

Tenley pm

The Artist Studio Floral Rug anchors the occa­sional club chair, pouf and floor lamp into a cozy reading corner.  A gray and ivory color palette will com­pli­ment other accent colors brought in through pil­lows and acces­sories over time.
Artist Studio Rug - JuliaDo you have a photo of a Clayton Gray Home product in your home you would like to share with us?  Please email to pr@​claytongrayhome.​com and it may be the one we select for a blog in the future!


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