CGH “Caged In”…

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Seen here, our Jame­s­port Side Table is a great way to add a bit of indus­trial, with a modern glam marble top, to any room in your home! (Photos cour­tesy of Apart­ment Therapy)

Thanks to Tara Bellucci’s men­tion in her recent article on Apart­ment Therapy fea­turing our Jame­s­port Side Table, along with many other wire decor pieces for the home.

As Tara men­tions, cage is all the rage right now…and is a great way to bring a little indus­trial styling into any home.  Lighting is the most obvious use, how­ever, caged fur­nish­ings allow you to add indus­trial edge to your space, while not adding the weight many indus­trial pieces often carry.  The wiring on these pieces allow light to shine through, all while making a statement!

In addi­tion to all of these great items Tara has shown us, we’ve expanded on this idea, to show a few more items from CGH that will have your decor, any­thing but caged in!

Thanks again, Tara!



1.  Arte­riors Home Elton Wire Table
4.  Worlds Away’s Craig Bas­ketweave Pen­dant in Silver Leaf

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