Throw Them A Curve…

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Tub Chair, Klismos Chair, Curved Back, Slipper Chair…whatever you call them, we have sev­eral new curved back chairs that will fit in any set­ting.  Though more tra­di­tional in style, these chairs help break up harsh lines in more modern design by adding a nat­ural curve that really works well next to a stream­lined desk, for example.

The nat­ural curvi­linear shape works well to encase the person sit­ting in the chair, to create a more relaxed, com­fort­able envi­ron­ment, per­fect for con­ver­sa­tions and enter­taining.  Not only in con­ver­sa­tion, but these chairs also work well for desk chairs or any­where you may sit for extended periods of time.

Either way, we love these new styles shown below…though they come in neu­tral fab­rics, these chairs can have an added oomph with the right fabric.  Tell us which chair you prefer?

Throw Curve - Clayton Gray Home

Clock­wise from top left:  Monaco Arm Chair in Limed Oak by Bun­galow 5, our Klismos Chair in Beige Leather, Lay­ford Lounge Chair in Gray Limed Oak by Bun­galow 5, our Lawrence Chair, the Oslo Barstool in Gray Limed Oak by Bun­galow 5, our Klismos Chair in Gray Leather, Lay­ford Lounge Chair in Limed Oak by Bun­galow 5, and the Monaco Arm Chair in Gray Limed Oak by Bun­galow 5.


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