Reflections in Gray

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Another trend from market…gray!  We of course, are all on board with this hue!  From pil­lows to fur­nish­ings this is a great way to bring a moody cool­ness into any room.

Gray, like tan, is a good neu­tral which com­pli­ments an array of colors.  Where best to use this hue?  Rugs or upholstery–that way dirt is less vis­ible in high traffic areas or areas where chil­dren and pets play.  Walls, for most of the same rea­sons, but medium to darker shades of this color set a dra­matic back­ground to allow art­work, mir­rors, or lighting to pop from.  Acces­sories.  Gray acces­sories like pil­lows or throws bring a neu­tral soft­ness to any room, where as ceramic, wood, or stone objects allow lay­ering of dif­ferent tex­tures and interest to stand out.

Here are a few finds from market and a few of our newest items that range in varying shades of this har­mo­nizing hue.

Reflections in Gray - Clayton Gray Home

Left to Right: Monaco Arm Chair by Bun­galow 5, Dwell Studio Otto Lumbar Pillow in Dove, Dwell Studio Eva Pillow in Dove, the Caba­chon Mirror by Empo­rium Home, our White Flo­ren­tine Frames,  our Prov­i­dence Desk, the matching Caba­chon Chan­de­lier by Empo­rium Home, Arte­riors Home Vada Bulb Lamp, and Bar­bara Cosgrove’s Framed Hol­stein Cow.

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