For our friends on Houzz and Pinterest

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To all of our friends on Houzz and Pinterest:

Here at Clayton Gray Home we love to get everyone involved in our day to day

activ­i­ties and goings-​​on, whether on Face­book, Twitter, Pin­terest, and Houzz, we are

up to date and con­nected to the world of home décor and design. We love being able

to share design tips, new prod­ucts and lines, and fun ideas with you all, and we love it

even more when you all share your design suc­cesses with us!  We do our best to keep our store con­nected and easily acces­sible to all of you

who are design-​​motivated and use sites like Polyvore, Pin­terest, Houzz and Decorpad

to plan, track, and com­plete your design-​​goals and projects!


Being able to com­fort­ably browse through prod­ucts and brain­storm our ideas,

col­lages, and pin-​​spirations without the stress of bouncing back and forth between 4

or 5 web­sites is impor­tant to us, just as it is to you! So for all of you Houzz-​​lovers we

have a fab­u­lous new update…


While we’ve always made our blogs, pin-​​boards, and prod­ucts orga­nized and

avail­able, we’ve recently incor­po­rated social media plu­gins directly into our site: you

can browse, ‘pin’, and ‘like’ to your heart’s con­tent. But now, we can do even more!

Our friends over at Houzz recently came out with their own “Add” button, and

it’s now avail­able on our web­site for each and every item in our store.

Clayton Gray Home Houzz

Click here to get closer look at the social-​​media plu­gins on our site!

Please check it out. We hope you’ll love being able to expand and grow your

Idea-​​books with all of the exciting new items we’ve made avail­able in our store–

espe­cially if you’re making last-​​minute changes to your Wish-​​List for Santa!

Enjoy shop­ping around, and, please, drop us a line or leave us a comment

any­time to let us know how Houzz and other social media out­lets have helped you

meet your design goals and aspirations.

As always, XO


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