Charming Chevron

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When you see zig zag, the first thing that comes to mind is prob­ably Mis­soni.  This Italian fashion icon has been  rein­venting bold pat­terns year after year.

This 1958 Mis­soni ad shows their sig­na­ture Chevron fabric that we all know them for.
(Pho­to­graph cour­tesy of pat​ter​nand​source​.com)

Chevron is nothing new, this pat­tern actu­ally dates back to 1800 BC when it was dis­cov­ered dec­o­rating the pot­tery found throughout the Palace of Knossos on Crete in modern day Greece.
It has also graced the shields, armors, and clothing throughout his­tory in Nor­mandy, Scan­di­navia, Sparta and the United States.
We love the pop of bold pat­tern (and color) some of our latest Chevron striped items have.  Charming, Chic, and Cutting-​​Edge, are just a few words that we love to describe these must have accessories.
It has also graced the shields, armors, and clothing throughout his­tory in Nor­mandy, Scan­di­navia, Sparta and the United States.
We love the pop of bold pat­tern (and color) some of our latest Chevron striped items have.  Charming, Chic, and Cutting-​​Edge, are just a few words that we love to describe these must have accessories.
Clayton Gray Home Decor Chevron CGH
Our Liuwa Chevron Glass­coat Art­work pays homage to Missoni’s sig­na­ture style!  Dwell Studio’s Chevron Stripe Pillow in Ash adds a bold pop to any room.  Our Zebra Waste­basket and Tissue Cover in Orange by Worlds Away adds a juicy punch to any bath­room!  Our Lob­ster Hook Pillow in per­fectly paired pink and green, adds the fin­ishing touch to any room, in a snap!  Trina Turk’s Tiger Leaf Bed­ding is the icing on the bed…or cake, with its bold pat­terns of pinks, greens and whites!  Our Zig Zag Linen Pillow in Orange will bring a pop of sunny warmth and style to any room!

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