Rock On With CGH!

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Our latest obsession…rocks!  We cannot help but be amazed by the tex­tures and colors that are formed deep below the Earth’s surface.

Rocks are a great way to bring a bit of nat­ural beauty into any room.  Larger pieces of rock or crystal for­ma­tions rest effort­lessly on top of books or table­tops for a bit of raw, tex­tural adorn­ment.  They also serve as great book ends or dec­o­ra­tive acces­sories for book­cases or shelves.

See a few of our latest and greatest rock inspired muses and let us know your favorite way to use these earthen embellishments!

A few of our favorite rock themed pieces which can bring a sense of organic, nat­ural beauty to any room.

Clock­wise from top left:  Bobo Intriguing Objects Antwerp Club Chair in Leather $2800, Vin­tage Turkish Patch­work Rug in Cham­pagne Taupe (var­ious sizes) $2150–9850, Lazy Susan’s River Stone Wool Stool $495, York Tray $165, Brown and White Parch­ment Bound Books $300, Col­orado Con­sole $2235, Dia­mond Cube Table $610, Quartz Crystal on Stone $125.

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