Inspire Your Room

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Have you ever found a piece of art while browsing gal­leries, art shows and stores that just speaks to you?  It must come home with you that instant?  What­ever the medium or form of art you enjoy, it is a great jumping off point to dec­o­rate your entire room.  We have all fallen in LOVE with this fresh Whis­pering Wil­lows glass-​​coated painting that radi­ates calming energy into our new store.  There are many cold and warm hues to pull into fur­ni­ture, lighting and acces­sories.  As to not com­pete with the art, we have part­nered neu­tral tones, nat­ural tex­tures and organic mate­rials.  Below is a quick break­down of how to dec­o­rate a room from art inspiration…

Left: Deco Floral Embroi­dered Pillow-​​Trina Turk ; Blakely Table Lamp — Arte­riors Home Rattan Brush Chan­de­lier ; Criss­cross Glazed Garden Stool-​​Emissary ; Trenton Console-​​Arteriors Home

Right:  Caviar Stag­gered Pendant-​​Arteriors Home ; Bombay Aqua Pillow-​​Lacefield Designs ; Pet­ri­fied Wood Book­ends ; Trilby Chair-​​Arteriors Home ; Vin­tage Turkish Patch­work Rug

It is always great to flank art or a mirror with sconces on either side; how­ever, with a 72″ piece such as this, table lamps and Chan­de­liers will help bal­ance the size.

If your home is already fur­nished per­fectly for a painting, there are always acces­sories to help the art­work POP!!!

Every artist needs an inspi­ra­tion.  Let your room be your blank canvas and have tons of fun!



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