Function AND Flair: Chandeliers Are Not Just for the Dining Room Anymore!

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Love our Bub­bles Glass Chan­de­lier shown in this modern kitchen. In this set­ting, the chan­de­lier helps to soften the dra­matic lines of the fur­ni­ture and cabinetry.

Let’s face it, the kitchen is often the place where func­tion­ality is key.  Between all of the slicing, dicing, preparing, and mixing, we all need max­imum lighting to get things done.

That being said, the kitchen is the latest and greatest room where form, func­tion, and style meet! You can still have your func­tion­ality with can lights, but add a sparkling chan­de­lier in the mix and you’ve got a win­ning combination.

There are typ­i­cally seven layers of lighting to take into con­sid­er­a­tion when it comes to kitchens: counter top and gen­eral lighting, under-​​cabinet task lighting, over-​​cabinet up lighting, accent cab­inet lighting, some sup­porting sconce fix­tures (mounted on walls or on cab­i­nets), ceiling lighting and — to top it all off — a cen­tral accent fix­ture, usu­ally some­thing pretty and eye catching at the room’s focal point.

In this par­tic­ular kitchen we see how lighting is lay­ered, while the chan­de­lier remains the main focal point.

Chan­de­liers can often be the center of atten­tion in a room that is much more sub­dued and sterile.  A stun­ning chan­de­lier can often soften a room where hard, solid, mas­cu­line mate­rials are often present.

This mas­cu­line kitchen is rede­fined with the help of a curvy chan­de­lier to add a sense of soft­ness that is radi­ated throughout the room.

A crystal or beaded chan­de­lier can also bring an ele­ment of sophis­ti­ca­tion to an everyday eat-​​in kitchen space.  Don’t worry that a more ele­gant fix­ture would over­whelm a modest, util­i­tarian kitchen space. The chan­de­lier will help pro­vide optimum lighting, all while tying in a bit of modern, unex­pected glamor into a room that is often referred to as many things other than glamorous!

The crystal chan­de­liers help to add fem­i­ninity to a rather sterile, stream­lined kitchen.

Do keep in mind the rule of mea­suring for a chan­de­lier or lighting fix­ture in any room.   Your chan­de­lier should be one of the focal points of your room. Finding the right size fix­ture is not dif­fi­cult when using the simple for­mula pro­vided. The answer will give you a starting point for finding just the right size light fixture.

Mea­sure the room you would like to put the chan­de­lier in. Add the dimen­sions together. The sum equals the diam­eter (in inches) of the lighting fix­ture you will need.

For Example: The dimen­sions of your room are 10 by 13. Add 10 + 13 which equals 23. Your chan­de­lier should be 23″ in diam­eter (or 23″ wide).

You can also look at the guide­lines below to deter­mine a range for the cor­rect size fixture.

  • Room size is smaller than 10x10, use a 17″ to 20″ wide chandelier.
  • Room size is 12x12, use a 22″ to 27″ wide chandelier.
  • Room size is 14x14, use a 24″ to 32″ wide chandelier.

Rule of Thumb:  Never use a chan­de­lier that is too small for your room. The light fix­ture will be dis­tracting to the overall look you are trying to achieve.

Although made of clear glass, this par­tic­ular chan­de­lier holds its own in this open, airy kitchen.

See a few of our favorite Chan­de­liers from Clayton Gray Home, which we rec­om­mend for adding that final layer of flair in your kitchen!  See more by vis­iting our web­site.

See some of our favorites we have to offer at Clayton Gray Home! From LtoR/​Top to Bottom: The Bub­bles Chan­de­lier, The Maxim Iron Beaded Chan­de­lier, The Rafaella 6 Arm Chan­de­lier, Chan­de­lier in White, Bird­cage Chan­de­lier, and the Fiona Chandelier!




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