Designer Review: Roost

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Clayton Gray Home offers fur­nish­ings from a variety of sophis­ti­cated and stylish designers. One of those designers, Roost, offers well-​​designed prod­ucts that are orig­inal, afford­able, fresh and interesting.

Roost fea­tures a line of modern home fur­nish­ings and acces­sories that empha­size acces­sible and liv­able design.  Roost uti­lizes authentic mate­rials and fin­ishes that are con­tem­po­rary without being hard-​​edged.  The majority of Roost prod­ucts are designed by a small group of design asso­ciates and the fin­ished pieces are truly hand­made, small craft pro­duc­tion.  Their line includes fur­ni­ture, lighting, vases, can­dle­holders, home tex­tiles, bas­kets, stone, wood, wax and botanicals.

 Bring some Roost into your home:


Blue Button Ceramic Vase

Recy­cled Scaf­fold Mirror

Claret Bottle Pen­dant Lamps

Pasha Tuffet and Coffee Table

Mouse Salt and Pepper Shakers

Estancia But­terfly Chair

Recy­cled Bottle Candle Holders

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