New Room Accessories For The New Year

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With the new year comes the chance to play around with your home’s design. Approaching 2017, look for modern fur­ni­ture to design your rooms are based around a return to nature and com­fort. This means a focus on warm, nat­ural colors, cre­ating comfy little nooks to get away from tech­nology for a while, and using sus­tain­able mate­rials for your acces­sories. Here’s a quick guide of new modern ideas to inspire you!

Reading Nooks

fire-pitsthrowspillows baskets

Our daily lives are so full with tech­nology these days, and that’s why it’s becoming pop­ular to make a reading area where you can sit in a comfy chair, read a good book and get away from your phones and com­puters. Here are some acces­sories to consider:

  • Fire pits—smaller fire pits to sit on your coffee or side table to create nat­ural fire­light and warmth
  • Throws—warm and com­fort­able throws and blan­kets to keep cozy while reading
  • Pillows—with geo­graphic shapes like hexa­gons are get­ting very popular
  • Baskets—woven bas­kets to keep your to-​​read pile close at hand

You can also play around with book­ends, can­dles, lamps and other useful acces­sories for your relaxing space. Whether you go for more of a tra­di­tional and antique theme, or a modern and chic one, the key is com­fort and relax­ation. When picking out things like colors or mate­rials for your acces­sories, you can think of…

Sus­tain­able Materials


Sus­tain­ability and green homes are becoming a fact of life, and that includes the acces­sories in your home. No matter what  themes and colors you choose, you can achieve the style you want and do it with sus­tain­able mate­rials. Here are some ideas for eco-​​friendly acces­sories for your house:

  • Wood—reclaimed and recy­cled wood for bowls, tables, chairs, etc
  • Cork—warm color and tex­ture good for coffee table bases, stool, pin boards, and entire sec­tions of walls
  • Nat­ural fiber—using cotton, linen, silk, or wool for your rugs, throws, blan­kets, pil­lows, etc
  • Recy­cled glass—they look no dif­ferent than new glass and can be used for lights, lamps, bowls, candle holders, and more

The great thing about these mate­rials is that you can pick and choose the type and color of each, in order to match your acces­sories’ style to your own per­sonal flare. You can use the same mate­rials for frames, vases, con­tainers, coasters, boxes, and barware.

Back to Nature

terrariumsfresh-flowers  green-colors dark-timber

The first two themes for 2017 touched on escaping from tech­nology, relaxing, and using envi­ron­men­tally friendly mate­rials for your home acces­sories. Get­ting back in touch with nature con­tinues with that theme, and here are some acces­sory ideas to achieve it:

  • Terrariums—recycled glass bowls and domes full of live green plants
  • Fresh flowers—vases with fresh flower com­bi­na­tions that have nat­ural or pastel coloring
  • Green colors—dark greens, emerald, pastel tones for your rugs, tables, throws, pil­lows, etc
  • Dark timber—for your tables, chairs, lamps, light fix­tures, bowls, etc

To really make your room pop, choosing the right acces­sories with the right colors is key. Earth-​​greens and dark browns for a real tra­di­tional and nat­ural look, or pas­tels in soft red, blue and yellow tones to be warm and com­fort­able.  There’s lots to play around with!

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