Heating up the Home

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Fiesta Red

It’s nat­u­rally suiting that the color of the month for July is…Fiesta Red! With summer in full swing, this color is sure to evoke the red-​​hot shades of summer heat and spark your dec­o­rating fire to spice things up.  Just as the name sug­gests, this color brings a cel­e­bra­tion to any space and grabs the atten­tion of anyone in the room.

As opposed to the deep nature of a classic red, fiesta red con­tains more orange pig­ments, cre­ating an ener­gizing ambiance. To give this
color some tan­gi­bility, think of it like a tomato (rep­re­senting fiesta red) and a glass of Pinot Noir (rep­re­senting a classic “warmer” red). This spe­cific shade will be more ver­sa­tile during summer months and leading into fall before the warmth of a heavier red starts to take its place.


Brighter? Yes. Lacking in bold appeal? No. No matter the shade, red will always steal the show from other colors in the room, and the subtle orange hue of fiesta red is no excep­tion. Whether it is b9537493424dfadee7c85802c477e40dsome­thing as apparent as a large piece of fur­ni­ture, or some­thing more under­stated such as a light fix­ture or throw pillow, the eye will always be drawn to this bright pop of color in the home. Due to the power a color such as this com­mands, it is best to show­case it rather than having mul­tiple strong colors com­peting for focus of the room. This isn’t to say that all other colors in the space should be neu­tral; any com­bi­na­tion of navy, turquoise, or white will enhance red instead of detracting from it.

CD Red Prince Chair TDon’t let the tem­per­a­ture be the only thing heating up this summer! Raise the tem­per­a­ture in your home with pops of fiesta red in accent pieces, arm­chairs or even a sofa. Fiesta red is a color that will bring a warm and pos­i­tive vibe wher­ever it is used!

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