October 2014 First Friday Preview

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We are simply tickled pink to wel­come back Clemen­tine Chef for First Friday! Clemen­tine is a bou­tique chef ser­vice new to the Tampa area. Organic, local and REAL food, hand­crafted with love and deliv­ered to your doorstep. Always healthy, Paleo based with gluten free options, the dynamic duo of Brian and Misty Som­mers are going to knock the socks off of your taste­buds!  Their ser­vices include, but aren’t lim­ited to, weekly meal deliv­eries, cooking classes (per­sonal or group) and in home din­ners (from inti­mate to large in scale). They are chefs for hire.

While the world around you turns pink we want to make sure that the true meaning of the month isn’t fogged by those rose col­ored glasses. Help us create an unstop­pable wave of breast cancer sup­port! Go to the Amer­ican Cancer Society Making Stride Against Breast Cancer Face­book page and share the image to remind the women in your life that reg­ular screen­ings can help us find and treat breast cancer sooner and even save a life. When you share, tag 3 friends and ask them to share the image too for the women they love! In addi­tion, you can learn more about breast cancer screening resources on the Amer­ican Cancer Society home page. 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in her life­time, early detec­tion is key.

On October 18th, the Amer­ican Cancer Society will be hosting their Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in var­ious loca­tions across the Tampa Bay area. Learn more about this fab­u­lous event, a cel­e­bra­tion of sur­vivor­ship, and how you can be apart of the move­ment. Join as a team or as a sponsor.

We will have on hand, some of TPD’s finest helping to escort our rev­elers throughout the First Friday cel­e­bra­tions at our neigh­bors; Buddy Brew Coffee–hosting Issac Improv with My Ever Green, Malindy Elene Cou­ture for the Bride and Soho Cycle. Fab­u­lous cock­tails served up by a spe­cial guest bar­tender, and the equally fab­u­lous michaelJon Pho­tog­raphy on hand to cap­ture the moments of the night. So stop by between 5:30–9 on Friday, October 3rd to sip, nibble and support!

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