Hinckley Yachts — An American Icon

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For over 85 years, Hinckley Yachts has been one of the most pres­ti­gious yacht com­pa­nies in the world.  One of the most highly regarded names in yachting, Hinckley sets the stan­dard for which all others are mea­sured. This amaz­ingly beau­tiful book show­cases the rich his­tory, classic design and the leg­endary hand­crafted work of the Hinckley Yachts from 1928 to today. This is the first book to chron­icle the his­tory of Hinckley’s, breath­taking crafts­man­ship and tech­nical inno­va­tions of both its sailing yachts and powerboats.


Although owned by many of the rich and famous, such as Martha Stewart, David Rock­e­feller and Charles Townsend, the company’s ear­lier boats were used in World War II. The com­pany played an inte­gral role in the use of fiber­glass mate­rials and the evo­lu­tion of today’s modern yachts.


This book allows you to step into the world of boating and gives you a glimpse of some of the most leg­endary and renewed boats in the world — It is a must have for any boating, sailing or yacht enthu­siast as well as those with the simple appre­ci­a­tion of beau­tiful sea­faring craftsmanship.

Nick Voul­garis III did a fan­tastic job cap­turing the mes­mer­izing and majestic beauty of these ves­sels. This is a WOW of a coffee table book! A def­i­nite con­ver­sa­tion and day­dream starter for gen­er­a­tions to come.


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