#Fighter First Friday Recap

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What turned out to be a VERY wet day in Tampa couldn’t dampen the pos­i­tive and inspi­ra­tional sun­shine that is Michelle DeJong. Despite the pouring rain, guests flooded Clayton Gray Home for First Friday to cel­e­brate this amazing woman. Of course, some came to visit our celeb bar­tender, Nick Peterson, whose wit, charm and cock­tails, never dis­ap­point. We were also very lucky to have in house, Michael Trefry of michaelJon Pho­tog­raphy to cap­ture all of the mag­ical moments of the evening.


With the light that is Michelle, the room glowed with admi­ra­tion for our #Fighter. Michelle enjoyed meeting all of the people that are ral­lying behind her, making new friends and forging new friend­ships. You can’t help but feel hap­pier, lighter and more pos­i­tive after meeting Michelle. She def­i­nitely inspires the good in all of us. In the days pre­ceding First Friday the local NBC affil­iate, New Channel 8 ran a couple of sto­ries fea­turing Michelle. Telling of her diag­nosis, how she was fighting it with the strongest pos­i­tive atti­tude known to man and how she was taking us all along for the ride. Another story fea­tured her team for the Miles for Mof­fitt race that is hap­pening this coming Sat­urday, May 10, 2014. On line reg­is­tra­tion closed last night with 288 run­ners signed up and $45,505 raised for Team Michelle– Too Inspired by What’s Tran­spired. Absolutely incred­ible! Run­ners raised money, local busi­nesses held fundraisers and give back nights, and Clayton Gray Home also donated 20% of sales for the night.


If you are wanting to help Michelle make a dif­fer­ence, fight brain cancer and #bethe­good, then join in Give Day Tampa Bay. Give Day started at mid­night and runs until 11:59 May 6, 2014. There are var­ious con­tests that con­sist of most dona­tions in an hour, at lunchtime, most shares on social media etc. To par­tic­i­pate, LIKE the Give Day Tampa Bay Face­book page and the Team Too Inspired by What’s Tran­spired Face­book event page for updates through out the day. You can make a dona­tion OR simply share and recruit other friends and family to do the same to help the team win bonus prize money that will go Michelle’s fundraising team. If you make a dona­tion to H. Lee Mof­fitt Cancer Center via Give Day, simply put Team Michelle-​​Too Inspired by What’s Tran­spired on the 2nd address of the dona­tion for her team to earn the credit.


Wher­ever you are, take today to a moment to #bethe­good either by liking Michelle’s Facebook author page, fol­lowing her Give Day Tampa Bay cam­paign, sub­scribing to her web­page — On March 14,  making a dona­tion to her Miles for Mof­fitt team or simply sending healing vibes.

The best things in life aren’t things. #bethegood

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