Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail — Easter Entertaining

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Easter Sunday arrives with Spring beauty, new fluffy dresses, white patent leather shoes, Easter bon­nets, khaki or blue blazers, bun­nies and bas­kets. What are you going to do for your Easter tablescape?  What will you be serving Easter dinner?

Easter dinner is right in line with the Thanks­giving feast. As your lenten promises come to an end, it is time to indulge. Typ­ical main courses include ham or lamb, green bean casse­role or asparagus, lots of yummy rolls (hot cross buns anyone?), and cheesy pota­toes. For dessert? A beau­tiful mile high carrot cake, of course! Enter­taining the family at your house and need some help with recipes for the feast? We’ve got you cov­ered. The Food Net­work has a fab­u­lous page filled with tan­ta­lizing Easter treats.

Perusing Pin­terest, our favorite source for party and table inspi­ra­tion, we found some EGG-​​citing ideas.



How sweet is this?! Fresh, nat­ural, sophis­ti­cated and simply stun­ning. A simple egg shell and blos­soms. I’ve always won­dered what good could come out of the pollen squig­gles that seem to be every­where? Now we know!


Your Cozy Home

Adding eggs to your cen­ter­piece and ran­domly placed on the table makes for a simple under­stated theme.

Looking for a dif­ferent way to dec­o­rate your eggs? Tired of the old “dyed” and true methods? How about gilded eggs? has some amazing ideas for dec­o­rating eggs for Easter, turning them into works of art.


Image credit: Lulu Belle Interiors

Don’t forget the piece de resis­tance of Easter…the basket and the choco­late bunny! Are you the type that goes for the ears first?! They are always the best part.

Spring has finally arrived and it’s time for your toes to thaw out. Don your new Easter frock and break out the tulips…even if you have to thaw them out a la Father of the Bride!

Clayton Gray Home wishes you a Happy Easter and we can’t wait to show you all of the new trea­sures the Easter Bunny brought us from market!

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