Cocktails for a Crowd

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cocktails for a crowd entertaining

Mardi Gras is fading into the sunset, St. Patrick’s Day is on the horizon and summer pool par­ties are around the corner, so it’s time to dust off that bar set and get mixing!

Cock­tails for a Crowd is a fab­u­lous book by Kara Newman that offers 42 goof-​​proof recipes for making yummy cock­tails in ware­house club size batches, making sure that the host can also enjoy the party, instead of playing bar­tender all night. Just like baking, it is hard to double and triple recipes and get the same result. This book takes all of the guess work out of party plan­ning. Kara is the spirits editor for Wine Enthu­siast mag­a­zine and also a con­trib­utor to The New York Times, Saveur, Gourmet, among many other pub­li­ca­tions. Teri Lynn Fisher pro­vides beau­tiful photos for those of us that are visual drinkers.


Don’t be fooled by the book’s slim size and bright cover. This is a serious, sophis­ti­cated guide to crafting drinks, not just a frothy col­lec­tion of party size “-tinis.” With a can-​​do atti­tude and plenty of smarts, Ms. Newman offers readers rules of thumb culled from some of the country’s leading drink-slingers–for accu­racy, Oxo mea­suring cups can’t be beat; to smooth out a drink’s rough edges, try adding a splash of old-​​fashioned iced tea–as well as a slew of big-​​batch recipes that are bal­anced enough to please even the most dis­cerning drinkers.” -The Wall Street Journal

Whether you’re already a cock­tail buff or just starting to put together your liquor col­lec­tion, I guar­antee that you’ll find drinks here that you’ll want to make imme­di­ately.” –The Kitchn

If you con­sider your­self a party-​​planning diva …Cock­tails for a Crowd belongs in your col­lec­tion.” –San Antonio Express-​​News

The book that makes me actu­ally want to throw a party is Cock­tails for a Crowd…Newman talked to pros from across the country and dis­tilled their col­lec­tive wisdom into an insightful and well-​​crafted book.” –Kansas City Star

There’s nothing worse than being stuck behind the bar at your own party making drink after drink after drink. In Cock­tails for a Crowd Kara Newman has done the hard work of scaling up your favorite punches, trop­ical drinks, and classic tip­ples. But she knows a drink’s allure is more than just liquor, which is why she offers infu­sion ideas, gar­nishing tips, and mixology tech­niques to craft potent pota­bles for a mul­ti­tude. Let the party begin.”-David Leite, pub­lisher of Leite’s Culinaria

Check out this book in the shop or at Clayton Gray Home online. It is a must have!

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