Pantone’s 2014 Color of the Year — Radiant Orchid

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With almost as much antic­i­pa­tion as the announce­ment of the Oscar’s Best Pic­ture award, so is the Pan­tone Color of the Year. Designers and fash­ion­istas await with bated breath to see what the new fab­u­lous “it” color will be. It only seems fit­ting, that with the frigid temps so early this season that the 2014 color would be some­thing warm, deli­cious and blooming fab­u­lous. So without fur­ther ado, we present to you, Pantone’s 2014 Color of the Year.….RADIANT ORCHID!


Radiant Orchid, which Leatrice Eiseman, exec­u­tive director of the Pan­tone Color Insti­tute®, describes as “an enchanting har­mony of fuchsia, purple, and pink under­tones.” Radiant Orchid blooms with con­fi­dence and mag­ical warmth that intrigues the eye and sparks the imag­i­na­tion. It is an expres­sive, cre­ative and embracing purple—one that draws you in with its beguiling charm. A cap­ti­vating har­mony of fuchsia, purple and pink under­tones, Radiant Orchid emanates great joy, love and health.

Pan­tone sug­gests sprucing up inte­rior spaces by incor­po­rating this eye-​​catching hue in paint, accent pieces and acces­sories. As adapt­able as it is beau­tiful, Radiant Orchid com­ple­ments olive and deeper hunter greens, and offers a gor­geous com­bi­na­tion when paired with turquoise, teal and even light yellows.

Like­wise, the vibrant color is sure to liven up neu­trals including gray, beige and taupe. Uplifting and bold without being over­pow­ering, Radiant Orchid reen­er­gizes almost any color palette and pro­vides a uni­fying ele­ment for diverse spaces. — PANTONE

So, move over Emerald, this years pinky purple Radiant Orchid will have you green with envy.


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