I See You, Baby

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It’s time to reflect, or rather add some reflec­tive sur­faces to your home! Clayton Gray Home found a ton of fab­u­lous new mir­rors at  market to stylize and lighten up your home. Sun­burst, round, oval, square or rec­tangle and in var­ious mate­rials, we’ve got you cov­ered. Did you know that if your house doesn’t have the proper Feng Shui, you can use mir­rors to bal­ance the Chi? Most of us want a ton of win­dows and nat­ural light in our homes, but this can cause the good Chi to escape when not prop­erly placed. Chi, just like most of us, loves it own reflec­tion. Strate­gi­cally placing mir­rors will stop the chi from escaping as it takes a moment to admire it’s beau­tiful reflec­tion. The little nar­cissus! Really though, who can blame the little Chi? The new line of mir­rors from Worlds Away, Currey & Com­pany, and Bunny Williams would stop anyone in their tracks!

Want to know more about feng shui and mirror styles and place­ment? Check out this About​.com article by Rodika Tchi, inter­na­tion­ally renowned feng shui con­sul­tant with over 15 yrs con­sulting experience.

Mir­rors have fas­ci­nated humankind since ancient times and have pow­erful lore attached to them. From pro­tec­tive to reflec­tive to pure “How do I look today?” uses, humans have been using mir­rors for centuries.

In feng shui, a mirror brings the energy of the feng shui ele­ment of water, and it is easy to guess why. Where do you think the ori­gins of mir­rors come from? Of course from us looking into our reflec­tion in the water! Pure, deep, and calm water always serves as a reflec­tion of all that is pro­jected into it.

Mir­rors are also used to expand a space, as well as to draw the ben­e­fi­cial Chi, or feng shui energy into the home.

Mir­rors have been called the aspirin of feng shui; with proper place­ment, they can dra­mat­i­cally shift the flow of energy in any given space. Mir­rors also bring a sense of refresh­ment and calm.

Gen­er­ally, there are three cat­e­gories of mir­rors in feng shui:

Typ­ical mir­rors as defined by shape (oval, round, square) and frame mate­rials (wood, metal, etc.) For example, a round mirror in a gold leaf frame is a beau­tiful feng shui wealth and abun­dance cure that will work well in the South­east feng shui area of a home.

Con­cave mir­rors. These mir­rors are mostly used out­side and pro­duce an upside-​​down, con­densed reflection.

Convex mir­rors have pro­tec­tive qual­i­ties, serving as a watchful eye mostly used out­side, convex mir­rors can also be used inside as part of a pro­tec­tive feng shui ele­ment of your home design.

The Bagua mirror is a spe­cial type of feng shui mirror and a pow­erful feng shui cure that should never be used inside a home. Second, it is best to use the feng shui bagua mirror only when rec­om­mended by a pro­fes­sional feng shui consultant.

Best feng shui areas to place a mirror:

  • East (Health & Family)
  • South­east (Wealth & Abundance)
  • North (Career & Path in Life)

Feng shui areas to avoid placing a mirror:

  • South (Fame & Reputation)
  • on the wall directly facing the main door
  • on the wall(s) facing your bed

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