Man. Cave. Bar.

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Want to create a mas­cu­line enter­taining area in your home for friends and family to hang out, but still have the “pub” feeling?  It’s very simple.  The main things to remember are to keep to darker tones, warm lighting and eclectic.  Mix items from your travels that have sto­ries and meaning with new con­tem­po­rary indus­trial pieces.

Here are a few items we pulled for inspiration:

Man Cave Bar Essentials

Shown Above (top left to bottom right) : Twist Stool , Patron’s Stool, Iron­works Bar Stool, Miller Chair, Cameron Gold Leafed Chair — Brown by Worlds Away, Lucy Sconce — Patina Bronze, Dirk Chan­de­lier by Arte­riors Home, Key­stone Chan­de­lier by Arte­riors Home, Stans­field Serving Trays, Gus Bar Cart, Bristol Pub Table, Chelsea Gray Limed Oak Bar by Arte­riors Home

Think of the con­ver­sa­tions, fun and mem­o­ries your new “Pub Style” Man Cave will bring to your life!  The sto­ries these walls could tell…  We love the below photos from pin­terest, because they are the per­fect blend of sophis­ti­ca­tion, mas­culinity, and chic style.

bar cart


Place to lounge, read, play games, or just simply enjoy a nice scotch on the rocks after a long day.  Sur­rounded by your lovely col­lec­tion of leather bound books that is…(Anchorman — couldn’t resist).  Ohhh Ron Bur­gundy–  We are hoping for a glo­rious Man Cave Bar in Anchorman 2.  Feel free to con­tact us for assis­tance in plan­ning your Man Cave Bar or to share your before & after photos with us!

Cheers & Happy Cave Dwelling!


(above photo cour­tesy of usatoday​.com)

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