CGH Presents Pantone’s 2013 Top Fashion Colors For Spring

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It’s that time of year again…that time of year that we gather around to gossip about the latest trends in colors, some­what like our sig­nif­i­cant others gather around to dis­cuss their top picks for the NFL draft!
Pan­tone has released their Spring 2013 Fashion Pal­lette.  Many of these are tweaks off of last Fall’s trending hues, but that is okay…we couldn’t be hap­pier with the updated set!  See the full range here.
Here are a few col­lages fea­turing these favorite hues, along with a few of our very own items that are right on trend…


Monaco Blue

(photo cour­tesy of www​.nice​space​.me)

Top to Bottom, L to R: We love how the Monaco Blue walls allow the white fur­nish­ings to pop in this modern dining space.  Worlds Away Pagoda Lamp, Bun­galow 5 Par­sons Con­sole in Navy Blue, and Lacefield’s Casablanca Pillow in Mid­night Blue.


Dusk Blue

(photo cour­tesy of bereket​decor​.blogspot​.com)


Top to Bottom, L to R:  The Dusk Blue painted planks on the wall pro­vide a modern, col­orful twist to play off both the tra­di­tional and modern accents throughout this living room.  Lazy Susan’s Marine Mag­nolia Lamp, our Blue Coral Pillar Holder, and our Ikat Pillow in Blue by Lacefield.



(photo cour­tesy of antweak​.blogspot​.com)


L to R:  We love this emerald hued, modern living room with its bold, graphic carpet, and acces­sories. Our Botany Bay Glass­coat Art­work and our Trina Turk Shanghai Links Pillow in Green.


Grayed Jade


(photo cour­tesy of Houzz)


Coun­ter­clock­wise from top left: The Grayed Jade walls in this guest room stand out among lay­ered shades of green in the linens throughout the room.  Our Gala Dia­mond RugLotus Garden Stool by Emis­sary, and our Stained Glass Pillow.



(Photo cour­tesy of lus​ter​in​te​riors​.blogspot​.com/​S​u​z​a​nne Kasler)



Top to Bottom, L to R:  The linen painted walls allow the soft roses and warm neu­trals to play off of this warm neu­tral wall col­oring, in this room designed by Suzanne Kasler. Arte­riors Home Arturo Nat­ural Wash Lamp, our Clara Barstool by Noir, and our Lucite Bench with Burlap Top.


Poppy Red


(photo cour­tesy of apart­ment therapy)

L to R:  The Poppy Red hued walls offer a dra­matic back­drop for col­orful acces­sories and fur­nish­ings in this mid-​​century modern styled dining space.  Our Arte­riors Home Lau­rent Glazed Red Leather Chair and our Coral Lamp.



African Violet

(photo cour­tesy of DecorPad)

Clock­wise from top left:  We love how this indus­trial, yellow painted con­sole pops off of the African Violet painted walls, along with other acces­sories in varying shades of this yummy plum shade!  Our Flo­rence Arbor Art­work, Our Hand Carved Gold Leaf Sconce by Vagabond Vin­tage, and our Col­lec­tion of Clams.


Tender Shoots

(photo cour­tesy of The Suit­eLife Designs)

Coun­ter­clock­wise from right:  We absolutely adore this Tender Shoots hued room with pops of white and mir­rored accents, throughout.  Arte­riors Home Ten­nyson Stool in Pis­ta­chio and Arte­riors Home Lex Porce­lain Lamp.


Lemon Zest

(photo cour­tesy of CarolynBarberPhotography)

L to R: The Lemon Zest and Silver striped wall­paper is a fun touch to this mir­rored vanity area, that we cannot get enough of! Our Trina Turk Duvet Set in Yellow Ikat, our Moritz Pen­dant, and the Janson Stool by Made Goods.




(photo cour­tesy of Houzz)


L to R:  We love how these juicy nec­tarine walls tie in the col­orful art­work with the rest of the neu­tral fur­nish­ings throughout this sunny, happy living room.  Our Mitre Stripe Throw Pillow by Lace­field and our Acrylic Arm­chairs in Orange.

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