Pantone’s 2012 Fall Color Palette

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Pantone’s 2012 Fall Color Palette

Pantone’s just released its 2012 Fall Color Palette!

(Press release) “From love potions and the mag­ical hour of sunset to witches and war­locks, fan­tasy and illu­sion are inspiring designers this fall season. With an unex­pected mix of darks, brights and neu­trals, they clev­erly manip­u­late reality to trans­port con­sumers to an enchanting place, free from the stresses of everyday life.

By playing to con­sumers’ prac­tical side with ver­sa­tile neu­trals, and boosting their con­fi­dence with bold, spir­ited hues, this skill­fully bal­anced palette has some­thing for everyone,” said Leatrice Eiseman, exec­u­tive director of the Pan­tone Color Institute®.

As the season tran­si­tions from the heat of summer, Bright Char­treuse, a vital yellow-​​green, pays homage to a typ­ical spring shade and cre­ates a bridge into the cooling days of fall. Rem­i­nis­cent of bright green foliage, it pro­vides a per­fect accent to every color in the palette.

Like the name implies, Pink Flambé is a deli­cious, vibrant pink with a bit of heat to it. Pair it with viva­cious and enticing Tan­gerine Tango for an ongoing retro feeling. Or, to bring a calming ele­ment to the mix, com­bine these vibrant warm tones with Ultra­ma­rine Green, a deep, cooling blue-​​green. Ethe­real Rhap­sody is a grayed-​​down purple that also encour­ages com­fort and serenity with its quiet, muted tone.

Honey Gold, a mellow, bur­nished yellow, sug­gests the soft-​​muted tones of sun­light to brighten a fall day. Pair it with sen­sible and strong Olympian Blue, a patri­otic blue that will surely make its way into fall and winter ath­letic apparel.

Rich and robust, French Roast is a tasty, sophis­ti­cated hue that is
a great alter­na­tive to the black and char­coal basics typ­i­cally worn in the fall. Other staple neu­trals include ele­gant and ver­sa­tile Tita­nium, the quin­tes­sen­tial cool gray, and Rose Smoke, a veiled rose tone that pairs well with Rhap­sody and Titanium.

For nearly 20 years, Pan­tone, the global authority on color, has sur­veyed the designers of New York Fashion Week and beyond to bring you the season’s most impor­tant color trends. This report pre­views the most promi­nent hues for fall 2012.

Clayton Gray wants to know: What is your favorite color of Pantone’s 2012 Fall Color Palette?

Go to our Face­book page and cast your vote!

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