Pantone 2012 Color of the Year: Tangerine Tango

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Clayton Gray Home loves Pan­tone 17–1463, Tan­gerine Tango.

You may have noticed our home­page this past Tuesday show­casing our “Orange Crush.”

According to Pantone’s web­site (www​.pan​tone​.com) “orange has grown in pop­u­larity and accep­tance among designers and con­sumers alike.  Fashion designers Oscar de la Renta, Tommy Hil­figer, Nanette Lepore, Cyn­thia Steffe by Shaun Kearney, Elie Tahari and Adri­enne Vit­ta­dini, have incor­po­rated this attrac­tive orange into their spring collections.”

Oscar de la Renta Spring 2012

Orange is no longer just for run­ways and lip gloss.  Many inte­rior designers, fash­ion­istas, styl­ists, blog­gers, mag­a­zine edi­tors, cos­me­tol­o­gists, artists and globe trot­ters share a true love and respect for “the tango.”  Inte­rior designers love to inject shots of tan­gerine in all living spaces.

So how did Pan­tone decide Tan­gerine Tango to be the color of the year? Pantone’s press release explains:  “The color of the year selec­tion is a very thoughtful process. To arrive at the selec­tion, Pan­tone quite lit­er­ally combs the world looking for color influ­ences. This can include the enter­tain­ment industry and films that are in pro­duc­tion, trav­eling art col­lec­tions, hot new artists, pop­ular travel des­ti­na­tions and other socio-​​economic con­di­tions. Influ­ences may also stem from tech­nology, avail­ability of new tex­tures and effects that impact color, and even upcoming sports events that cap­ture world­wide attention.”

Get the tango look in your own home! Paint a wall Pan­tone 17–1463 or use Clayton Gray Home acces­sories and fur­nish­ings to add this spicy hue to your decor.

Cas­sidy Lamp Arte­riors Home

Geo­metric Orange and Gray Pillow by Trina Turk

Chin­right Orange Side Table by Worlds Away

Green­wich Vil­lage Abstract Art

Draper Stripe Woven Rug by Dwell Studio


Do you have Tan­gerine Tango in your home?

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