Turkey 100 Year Agreement with Saudi Arabia in Urdu

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The Treaty of Lau­sanne led to the inter­na­tional recog­ni­tion of the sov­er­eignty of the new Republic of Turkey as the suc­cessor state of the defunct Ottoman Empire. [3] As a result of the treaty, the Ottoman national debt was divided between Turkey and the coun­tries that emerged from the former Ottoman Empire. [27] The Strait Con­ven­tion lasted only thir­teen years and was replaced in 1936 by the Mon­treux Con­ven­tion on the Reg­u­la­tion of the Strait. The cus­toms restric­tions pro­vided for in the Treaty were revised shortly there­after. With the expi­ra­tion of the Treaty of Lau­sanne, Turkey will be free to seize its rich resources, including those in northern Iraq. You have the right to seize under­ground resources and start drilling for resource explo­ration. Turkey will also be free to annex its ter­ri­to­ries, which were once under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, because after the expi­ra­tion of the Treaty of Lau­sanne, the modern Turkish demar­ca­tion will be insignif­i­cant and will lead to enor­mous regional trans­for­ma­tions. Turkey will be able to con­quer the Greek islands, as they were unjustly granted inde­pen­dence by the Allied powers in order to harm the strength of the Ottoman Empire. The Turkish national move­ment devel­oped its own inter­na­tional rela­tions with the Moscow Treaty with Soviet Russia on March 16, 1921, the Ankara Agree­ment with France that ended the Franco-​​Turkish War, the Treaty of Alexan­dropol with the Arme­nians, and the Treaty of Kars estab­lishing the eastern bor­ders. The resump­tion of energy explo­ration and the recharging of fleets and ships oper­ating between the Black Sea and the Mediter­ranean will be a huge eco­nomic leap for­ward for Turkey‘s declining economy. The Arabs are not sure of them­selves and feel uneasy about the end of the Treaty of Lau­sanne. The end of this treaty will give Turkey full juris­dic­tion over Mecca and Medina, which will transfer the respect and affec­tion of Mus­lims for the Saudis to the Turks.

The majority of Mus­lims show immense respect for the Saud because they have declared them­selves guardians of Mecca and Medina and pro­tect the Holy People. If the Saudis do not have the rights to the holy sites, they will lose that unimag­in­able respect in the hearts of Mus­lims, espe­cially after their alliances with the West and fanat­ical Jews. The Greek gov­ern­ment admin­is­tered the occu­pa­tion of Smyrna from 21 May 1919. In July 1922, a pro­tec­torate was estab­lished. The treaty “trans­ferred the exer­cise of their sov­er­eign rights to a local par­lia­ment,” but left the region within the Ottoman Empire. The treaty pro­vided that Smyrna would be admin­is­tered by a local par­lia­ment, with a ref­er­endum over­seen by the League of Nations after five years to decide whether smyrna‘s cit­i­zens wanted to join Greece or remain in the Ottoman Empire. The treaty accepted the Greek admin­is­tra­tion of the enclave of Smyrna, but the region remained under Turkish sov­er­eignty. In order to pro­tect the Chris­tian pop­u­la­tion from attacks by Turkish irreg­u­lars, the Greek army also extended its juris­dic­tion to nearby cities and cre­ated the so-​​called “Smyrna area”.

The Russian Soviet Fed­er­a­tive Socialist Republic was not a party to the treaty, as it had nego­ti­ated the Treaty of Brest-​​Litovsk with the Ottoman Empire in 1918. The Kingdom of the Hejaz in the Ara­bian Penin­sula received inter­na­tional recog­ni­tion and had an esti­mated area of 100,000 square miles (260,000 km2) and a pop­u­la­tion of about 750,000. The most impor­tant cities were the Holy Places of Mecca with a pop­u­la­tion of 80,000 and Medina with a pop­u­la­tion of 40,000. Under the Ottomans, it was the vilayet of the Hejaz, but during the war it became an inde­pen­dent kingdom under British influ­ence. The French man­date was estab­lished at the San Remo Con­fer­ence and cov­ered the region between the Euphrates and the Syrian desert to the east and the Mediter­ranean Sea to the west, and it stretched from the Nur Moun­tains in the north to Egypt in the south, an area of about 60,000 square miles (160,000 km2) with a pop­u­la­tion of about 3,000,000, including Lebanon and an enlarged Syria, both were later reas­signed under a League of Nations man­date. The region was divided under the French into four gov­ern­ments as fol­lows: gov­ern­ment of Aleppo, from the Euphrates region to the Mediter­ranean; Greater Lebanon stretching from Tripoli to Pales­tine; Dam­ascus, including Dam­ascus, Hama, Hems and Hauran; and the land of Mount Aris­arieh. Faisal ibn Husayn, who had been pro­claimed king of Syria by a Syrian National Con­gress in Dam­ascus in March 1920, was expelled by the Frenchman in July of the same year. The fol­lowing year, he became king of Iraq.

The details of the Treaty on the British Man­date in Iraq were final­ized on April 25, 1920, at the San Remo Con­fer­ence. The oil con­ces­sion in the area was awarded to the British-​​controlled Turkish Petro­leum Com­pany (TPC), which held con­ces­sion rights over Mosul province. British and Iraqi nego­tia­tors have engaged in lively dis­cus­sions on the new oil con­ces­sion. The League of Nations voted on the Mosul pro­vi­sion, and Iraqis feared that without British sup­port, Iraq would lose ter­ri­tory. In March 1925, the TPC was renamed iraq petro­leum com­pany (IPC) and received a full con­ces­sion for 75 years. After the with­drawal of Greek forces to Asia Minor and the expul­sion of the Ottoman sultan by the Turkish army under the com­mand of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the Kemalist gov­ern­ment of the Ankara-​​based Turkish National Move­ment rejected the ter­ri­to­rial losses imposed by the 1920 Treaty of Sèvres, pre­vi­ously signed by the Ottoman Empire. Britain had sought to under­mine Turkish influ­ence in Mesopotamia and Kirkuk by seeking the cre­ation of a Kur­dish state in eastern Ana­tolia. Sec­ular Kemalist rhetoric toned down some of the inter­na­tional con­cerns about the future of Arme­nians who had sur­vived the 1915 Armenian Geno­cide, and sup­port for Kur­dish self-​​determination also waned. Under the Treaty of Lau­sanne, signed in 1923, eastern Ana­tolia became part of present-​​day Turkey, in exchange for aban­doning Turkey‘s Ottoman claims to oil-​​rich Arab coun­tries. [7] Turkey has also offi­cially ceded all claims to the Dode­canese Islands (Article 15); Cyprus (Article 20); [17] Egypt and Sudan (Article 17); Syria and Iraq (Article 3); and estab­lished (with the Treaty of Ankara) the bor­ders of the latter two nations. [3] The Treaty of Lau­sanne (French: Treaty of Lau­sanne) was a peace treaty nego­ti­ated at the Lau­sanne Con­fer­ence of 1922/​23 and signed on 24 July 1923 at the Palais de Rumine.[1][2] Lau­sanne, Switzer­land It offi­cially resolved the con­flict that orig­i­nally existed between the Ottoman Empire and the Allied French Republic, the British Empire, the Kingdom of Italy, the Empire of Japan, the Kingdom of Greece and the Kingdom of Romania since the begin­ning of The First World War.

[3] The orig­inal text of the con­tract is in French. [3] This is the result of a second attempt at peace after the failure of the Treaty of Sèvres. The pre­vious treaty had been signed in 1920, but was later rejected by the Turkish national move­ment, which fought against its terms. The Treaty of Lau­sanne ended the con­flict and defined the bor­ders of the modern Turkish Republic. In the treaty, Turkey renounced all its claims to the rest of the Ottoman Empire and, in return, the Allies rec­og­nized Turkish sov­er­eignty within their new bor­ders. [3] It pro­vided for the exchange of Greek-​​Turkish pop­u­la­tion and allowed unre­stricted civilian pas­sage through the Turkish Strait (but not mil­i­tarily; this would be done with the Mon­treux Con­ven­tion). There was no gen­eral agree­ment among the Kurds on what kurdistan‘s bor­ders should look like, as the Kur­dish set­tle­ment areas and the polit­ical and admin­is­tra­tive bor­ders of the region are dif­ferent. [18] The con­tours of Kur­distan as a unit had been pro­posed in 1919 by Şerif Pasha, who rep­re­sented the Society for the Ele­va­tion of Kur­distan (Kürdistan Teali Cemiyeti) at the Paris Peace Con­fer­ence. He defined the bor­ders of the region as fol­lows: in the post-​​Lausanne world, Erdogan can be con­sid­ered the only highly influ­en­tial leader in the Arab world, focused exclu­sively on rebuilding the Islamic system and Ottono­mian values in the world.

This factor also wor­ries Arab leaders, as their power is the sup­port of Mus­lims and Muslim coun­tries, but in recent years they have betrayed their own Muslim people around the world by allying them­selves against them with the West. Take the case of Yemen; they were bru­tally bombed by their own Muslim broth­er­hood, fal­si­fying the fact that Yemen is nothing more than a white spot on a white paper off the coast of Saudi Arabia. The assas­si­na­tion of Saddam Hus­sein, the assas­si­na­tion of Yasser Ar-​​afat, the assas­si­na­tion of Hariri, all this is the result of the unin­ter­rupted sup­port of the Arabs to the West. But the times are now over. Tur-​​key will be there to replace the Arab influ­ence on the M-​​uslims com­mu­nity, and the facade of Muslim rep­re­sen­ta­tions will be reversed. These plans are not child‘s play; The Turkish estab­lish­ment will have to show cun­ning diplo­macy and immea­sur­able patience. .

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