How to Register Rent Agreement in Delhi

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If you are a land­lord or tenant in Delhi, it is impor­tant to have a reg­is­tered rent agree­ment to safe­guard your rights and inter­ests. In this article, we will guide you through the process of reg­is­tering a rent agree­ment in Delhi.

Step 1: Drafting the Agreement

The first step is to draft the agree­ment. This doc­u­ment should include the names and addresses of both the land­lord and tenant, the pur­pose of the prop­erty, the rent amount, the dura­tion of the ten­ancy and any other impor­tant details. It is impor­tant to ensure that the agree­ment com­plies with the rent con­trol laws of Delhi.

Step 2: Stamp Duty and Notarization

Once the agree­ment is drafted, it must be printed on a stamp paper of the appro­priate value depending on the rent amount and ten­ancy period. The stamp paper can be pur­chased from autho­rized ven­dors in Delhi. The doc­u­ment must then be nota­rized by a notary public, who will attest to its authenticity.

Step 3: Reg­is­tering the Agreement

The final step is to reg­ister the agree­ment with the appro­priate authority. In Delhi, rent agree­ments must be reg­is­tered with the Office of the Sub-​​Registrar of Assur­ances. The agree­ment can be reg­is­tered either online or offline. For online reg­is­tra­tion, visit the Delhi government’s e-​​district portal and fill out the nec­es­sary details. The web­site will gen­erate a challan that can be used to pay the reg­is­tra­tion fee. For offline reg­is­tra­tion, you must visit the office of the sub-​​registrar with the orig­inal agree­ment, along with a copy and two passport-​​size pho­tographs of both the land­lord and tenant. The reg­is­tra­tion fee must be paid in cash or by demand draft.


Reg­is­tering a rent agree­ment may seem like a tedious process, but it is impor­tant to ensure that your rights are pro­tected as a land­lord or tenant. In Delhi, the process can be com­pleted easily online or at the sub-registrar’s office. Remember, a reg­is­tered rent agree­ment is a legally binding doc­u­ment that can help you avoid dis­putes and con­flicts in the future.

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