Delta Flight Attendant Agreement

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The thank you pay­ment to employees comes at a time when a new skir­mish breaks out between Delta, largely non-​​unionized, and the nation‘s largest flight atten­dant union. The union accuses Delta of pres­suring workers to return to work too soon after con­tracting the virus. Ear­lier this week, Scott Kirby, CEO of United Air­lines, sent a letter to employees saying that 3,000 employees had tested pos­i­tive for Covid-​​19. In a single day at Newark Lib­erty Inter­na­tional Air­port, nearly a third of United employees fell ill and the air­line reduced sched­uled flights throughout the system. Can­cel­la­tions have fallen sharply in recent days, but the flood of peak flights has cost the air­line $75 mil­lion, and the latest out­break caused by the Omi­cron variant of the virus is expected to set back the industry‘s recovery by two months. CEO Ed Bas­tian said 8,000 employees have con­tracted Covid-​​19 in the past four weeks. Sick workers and winter storms have led to the can­cel­la­tion of more than 2,200 flights since December 24. More details on the ten­ta­tive agree­ment will not be released until next week, after they have been for­warded to flight atten­dants. The CDC made the change, with its director, Rochelle Walensky, explaining on NPR that “we started to meet the chal­lenges with it. Flights with air­lines and other regions. DETROIT (13. Feb­ruary 2020) — Endeavor Air flight atten­dants, rep­re­sented by the Asso­ci­a­tion of Flight Attendants-​​CWA (AFA), and Endeavor Air today reached a pre­lim­i­nary agreement.

The five-​​year agree­ment pro­vides for imme­diate wage increases and improved work rules for more than 1,500 flight atten­dants. “I don‘t think we‘re going to see an increase in book­ings or travel in Jan­uary and prob­ably in the first half of Feb­ruary,” Bas­tian said in an inter­view. “It‘s still the weakest part of the year, and it will be so much weaker because of Omi­cron. We need con­fi­dence in the return of travel once the virus is back. Delta expects to lose money in Jan­uary and Feb­ruary and for the entire first quarter. Sara Nelson, pres­i­dent of the Flight Atten­dants Asso­ci­a­tion, said Delta pres­sured the CDC after delaying offering incen­tives to employees to take extra work during the hol­i­days as infec­tions spread. Delta denies the union‘s alle­ga­tions, and the airline‘s top lawyer sent a cease and desist letter to the union last week accusing the group of making “false and defam­a­tory” state­ments about the com­pany. Delta believes it will hire sev­eral thou­sand people this year, Bas­tian said, as it rebuilds after the pan­demic and hope­fully pre­pares for a busy summer. The com­pany pro­vided $108 mil­lion for spe­cial profit-​​sharing pay­ments of $1,250 for each cur­rent employee.

The air­line expects first-​​quarter rev­enue to be 72 to 74 per­cent of pre-​​pandemic levels, about as much as in the fourth quarter. Costs are expected to rise sharply. Non-​​fuel costs will increase by about 15% from 2019, and kerosene will also become more expen­sive. The Air­line Data Project (ADP) was launched by the MIT Global Air­line Industry Pro­gram to better under­stand the oppor­tu­ni­ties, risks, and chal­lenges of this impor­tant industry. The ADP presents the most impor­tant data from the air­line industry in one place in an easy-​​to-​​understand and user-​​friendly format. We need a con­tract with a solid remu­ner­a­tion. What pro­vi­sions would you like to see in your first con­tract? Together, we are the heart of Delta Air Lines. We want to be a member of the Asso­ci­a­tion of Flight Attendants-​​CWA, AFL-​​CIO, to fully express the pride we have in doing a job well done as people at the fore­front of Delta‘s suc­cess. Shares of Delta Air Lines Inc.

rose more than 2% before Thursday‘s opening bell and most major air­lines tended to rise. The Asso­ci­a­tion of Flight Attendants-​​CWA, (AFA) AFL-​​CIO rep­re­sents 50,000 flight atten­dants on 20 air­lines. The AFA is the union that has led the flight atten­dant pro­fes­sion for 74 years, fighting dis­crim­i­na­tion and improving wages, ben­e­fits, working con­di­tions, as well as flight safety, health and safety in the air­craft cabin. The AFA also works with the 700,000 mem­bers of Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Workers of America (CWA), AFL-​​CIO. Visit us at the www​.afacwa​.org. Click here to show your sup­port for Delta flight atten­dants! Source: web​.mit​.edu/​a​i​r​l​i​n​e​d​a​t​a​/​w​w​w​/​E​m​p​l​o​y​e​e​s​&​a​m​p​;​C​o​m​p​e​n​s​a​t​i​o​n​.​h​tml Omi­cron stopped a long and slow increase in tourist traffic and caused it to decline. So far, the number of people trav­eling to the U.S. has dropped 20 per­cent in Jan­uary com­pared to the same month in 2019 — worse than the 16 per­cent declines in November and December.

Delta Air Lines lost $408 mil­lion in the last quarter of 2021, weighed down by a Covid-​​19 surge that rocked the air­line in December, and the air­line pre­dicted Thursday that it would suffer another quar­terly loss before travel resumes in the spring and summer. P.S. Do you need an AFA PIN or do you want to update your card? Ask for it here. Just talking about win­ning our flight atten­dant union is already bringing pos­i­tive change at Delta and we can work together to make the most of it now. Let‘s improve our pro­fes­sion with flight atten­dants across America and around the world. Together we are stronger, together we are better. Watch this video of Sara Nelson, AFA Inter­na­tional Pres­i­dent, and join the cam­paign together. Rev­enue was $9.47 bil­lion, down 17 per­cent from $11.44 bil­lion in the fourth quarter of 2019, but well above the $9.02 bil­lion fore­cast by industry ana­lysts. The data on this web­site comes from the U.S. Depart­ment of Transportation‘s Form 41 data product. It was selected and ana­lyzed to examine the industry and its broad trends, as well as to iden­tify the fun­da­mental fac­tors of suc­cess – and in some cases, the first signs of a pos­sible failure. .

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